Sex and Money Lead to Break-up of Christian Talk Network
We generally cover political talk radio, usually liberal talk radio, but every once and while we run across a story so engrossing that we expand our coverage area to include other forms of "spoken word" radio programming.
We came across such a story, this morning in Los Angeles Times. The Times ran a page one feature story that had sex, money, deceit, and involved a talk radio network. Our kind of story! Naturally, we jumped right on it. No it didn’t relate to political talk radio – liberal or conservative. Instead it focused on the second largest segment of the talk radio industry – Christian talk.
It seems that a controversy has been raging for some time now involving the owners of the Calvary Satellite Network. The network has about 400 low-power stations and 49 full-power stations in 45 states. Its coverage area has 22.5 million potential listeners. It estimates its worth at $250 million, deri
ved mostly from the value of its broadcasting licenses.
The network, which was founded by Chuck Smith, founder of the worldwide Calvary Chapel movement and his one time protégé Mike Kestler, became the focus of costly legal battle, after charges of financial irregularities, poor management, and sexual harrasment were directed at Kestler by Smith and his son Jeff.
The two sides have hurled accusations of lust and greed, betrayal and embezzlement. As part of the battle, Smith also funded a lawsuit against Kestler by a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader who said he had been fired from her from her radio job for rebuffing Kestler's sexual advances.
Following are portions of the L.A.Times article:
When Chuck Smith, founder of the worldwide Calvary Chapel movement, decided to invest big in radio, the Orange County evangelist joined forces with a pastor he trusted.Mike Kestler was one of his proteges, a folksy preacher with a ponytail who had ridden the Calvary phenomenon to a pulpit in Twin Falls, Idaho.
When Chuck Smith, founder of the worldwide Calvary Chapel movement, decided to invest big in radio, the Orange County evangelist joined forces with a pastor he trusted.Mike Kestler was one of his proteges, a folksy preacher with a ponytail who had ridden the Calvary phenomenon to a pulpit in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Smith had presided at Kestler's wedding. He'd helped Kestler keep his job after a churchgoer complained that Kestler had begged her to run away with him. Now, the pastors would be business partners.
Kestler knew how to run a radio station. Smith had money and a famous name. They shared a vision of FM radio as a megaphone for God's word.Bolstered by $13 million from Smith's Costa Mesa church, Calvary Satellite Network grew into a spectacular recruiting tool for the evangelical movement.
In listening areas across the nation, Calvary Chapels proliferated.But relations between the two pastors deteriorated. In 2003, Smith cut off funding for the radio network, precipitating a crisis that continues to roil Calvary's leadership. It sparked a war for control of the network on terrain Smith had preached against for years: the earthly courts.
The two sides have hurled accusations of lust and greed, betrayal and embezzlement. As part of the battle, Smith funded a lawsuit against Kestler by a former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader who said he had fired her from her radio job for rebuffing his sexual advances.Now, after a year of hugely expensive legal sparring, the 79-year-old Smith is so eager to settle the case that he is willing to do so at a staggering loss.He is about to surrender much of the radio empire to Kestler, a man he calls morally unfit for ministry. Smith says that by walking away, he is making a Christian gesture.
Smith opened the first Calvary Chapel on a Costa Mesa lot in 1965 with a handful of congregants. Combining literalist Bible teaching with casual dress, contemporary music and an aversion to ritual, the church quickly became famous as a sanctuary for disillusioned hippies and a hub of the Jesus People. The doctrinal cornerstones included the depravity of the world, hell for unbelievers and the promise of a Second Coming.
Kestler was drawn to Smith's church in the early 1970s, when it still occupied a tent. He joined the movement and with Smith's blessing opened his own church in Twin Falls in 1979. Before long, he had built a small Christian radio station there.In 1994, Kestler's fortunes appeared to teeter on the brink.
A parishioner had accused the married pastor of showing up at her home and office uninvited and pleading with her to run away with him. Kestler stood to lose both his pulpit and his radio station.Smith took a plane to Twin Falls, defended Kestler before his church board and fended off his ouster. In a recent interview, Smith said he believed Kestler's claim that the woman's accusation stemmed from a misunderstanding.Broadcasting a mixture of sermons and worship music, the network started with two stations: Kestler's in Twin Falls and another in Yucca Valley, Calif.
From 1996 to 2003, Chuck Smith poured an estimated $13 million — much of it from the collection bowls of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa — into expanding the network.The radio system did not carry advertising, relying instead on listener donations, money from preachers whose sermons it broadcast, and monthly subsidies from Chuck Smith's church.As the network grew, so did tensions between Smith and his son who was working with Kestler.
Stations were opened at a ferocious clip, but it typically took years for them to break even."I thought of myself as not having a voice," the elder Smith said. "When I see a ship sinking and I'm voting to put plugs in the hole and they're saying 'No, no, no, make more holes,' I don't want to go down with a sinking ship."
In January 2003, he resigned from the network's board and cut off the monthly subsidies. Apart from misgivings about the network's direction, Smith said, he had developed moral qualms about Kestler.A Calvary parishioner, a California woman, had come forward saying Kestler had made passes at her. Smith said he called Kestler about the accusation."Mike confessed and [said] sorry and so forth and so on," Smith said. "At that point, I felt, 'There's something wrong with this guy.' I really don't want to maintain much of a relationship with him, so I resigned."
As matters worsened, so did the church board's distrust of Jeff Smith. After rejecting the sale offer, the Calvary board pushed for an audit of the Word for Today, a church-affiliated book and tape ministry that Jeff Smith used to raise money for the radio network.The review found shoddy accounting and oversight, 10 bank accounts, $184,000 in computer purchases for obscure reasons, undocumented loans to employees or friends, plus $568,000 in loans to the radio network in 2002 and $350,000 in 2003.
Word reached the Smiths that another woman was complaining about Kestler. Sarah Meyer, an Idaho parishioner, said he had offered her a radio job, only to try "using Jesus to seduce me.""He'd prayed, and felt God was saying I was the one he was supposed to be with," Meyer, now 28, said in an interview. She said she turned down his advances and the job. Now, when she hears Kestler's voice on the car radio, "it makes my flesh crawl," she said.
Kestler's lawyer declined to comment on her allegations.
Smith had long been troubled that he defended Kestler in 1994 against accusations from a female churchgoer, only to see other women voice similar complaints. Now, he bankrolled a federal lawsuit by Pollitt, 46, the former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. Pollitt said Kestler lured her from Dallas to Twin Falls with the promise of a job at Calvary Satellite Network, only to fire her after she rejected his come-ons. In court papers, Kestler has denied retaliating against Pollitt and has said she made sexual overtures to him.
Returning the Smiths' fire, Kestler filed suit in Orange County Superior Court, seeking control of Calvary Satellite Network and accusing the younger Smith of seizing donations intended for the network.In a countersuit, the younger Smith charged Kestler with misappropriating millions of dollars in listener contributions. The suit also accused Kestler of "sinful sexual and flirtatious misconduct with numerous women over the years" and of spending network funds on vacations and purchases at Victoria's Secret.
Today, management of the network is split between Jeff Smith in Santa Ana, who controls a host of full-power stations, and Kestler in Twin Falls, who controls the much more valuable translator network.The younger Smith said the network could have weathered his father's withdrawal of financial support were it not for Kestler's alleged financial mismanagement. Jeff Smith said the network had to sell $9 million in assets to stay solvent
Whether there are problems, or not, with this network, I have been inspired to make an effort to improve the way I behave morally, sustained by hope during times of difficulty and challenged to be a blessing to my community because of the programs aired on this network - it just goes to show that God uses imperfect people and organizations to accomplish His purposes.
Forget what the Bible says, let's just look the other way. If the guy "inspires" who cares that he has a long history of seducing women other than his wife.
I go to CCCM and I think that pastor Chuck dealt with everything quite appropriately.
I think that he summed it up with "something is wrong with this guy" in reference to Mike Kestler and took the appropriate steps to distance himself from the guy. Its plain that in reference to pastor Chuck, some people just love to stir up drama.
With that, I will continue to attend Calvary Chapel, looking at my OWN actions and accountability first. If you don't like Calvary, leave. Its that simple.
In other words, stick your head in the sand with the rest of us CCCMers and PLAY THE PRETEND GAME that this organization doesn't have big troubles it's brought about on itself with the Moses Model of (so-called) Leadership. Got it, Melanie. Keep yourself informed with the blind leading the blind scenario and "see" into which spiritual wilderness that leads you where the wolves will have a field day with you. There's much more to be done than just simply leaving!
Case in point, see:
Chuck Smith and co-horts are keeping a lot more from you all than you think.
The problem is that a true man of God does not take advantage of women. God did not use Kestler, but rather Kestler "used" God, so sad.
In 1993, a small group of Calvary Chapel employees started CSN, not Kestler. After the ball got rolling, he stole this ministry, and all were fired over the phone. He is a satanic devil.
I care because its a bad influence on me. Its a disgrace to the vows he made to his wife. It is a disgrace to God himself for him to behave immorally. God is moral. I don't want someone leading me to do wrong by their example. Nor do I want someone else to think its right to do because he does it. Honor God above men, and those watching and learning grow strong in Gods character and love. Thats what everyone needs instead of becoming weak to practice sin God hates, which separates people's spirits from him. I hate being deceived.
Listen to you ALL spewing hate and condemnation…..passing judgement on another person. I guess God must have died….but I didn’t get the memo……and ALL you so called Christians where left to do the Lords judgements…….SHAME ON YOU….YOU SHOULD FALL TO YOUR KNEES AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS….. So why don’t you chriatians leave all judgement to him as he demands, and just get on with your lives?
… He straightened up and said to them, “Whoever is without sin among you, let him be the first to cast a stone at her.”
John 8:6 – New International Version – King James Bible – John 8
*****HIM IN THIS CASE*****
My son and I lived in Twin Falls. I worked at the local newspaper and he was a volunteer at CSN radio. There was something wrong there. There was a spirit in that building you could "feel". A great deal of upset could be found in the air. I don't believe that the Holy Spirit is there. Not with what I saw and experienced from the staff of CSN at that time. Mike had approved me to be on the air there, but I never followed through. There was much to much contention in the air. I would stay away from there. And, I am ashamed of Mike, divorcing his wife and marrying another. That should tell you a great deal!
Wow. Had no idea Kessler was like this. Sh I listen to TEMA anymore? Sounds like hypocrasy.
Such a good program. I don't like most of the programming. Seems to be open to any teaching.
Wow. Had no idea Kessler was like this. Sh I listen to TEMA anymore? Sounds like hypocrasy.
Such a good program. I don't like most of the programming. Seems to be open to any teaching.
I found Kessler's theology to be naive and simplistic, always harping on the End times. Like many of his co-hosts, except for Giovanetti from Las Vegas who has laughs like a snake at all of Kessler's jokes, most of those co-hosts were simpletons. In hindsight I smelled the 'rat', but was stunned by Kessler's hidden behavior. These Media ministers are licking garbage cans for money. I can't make sense out of God's justice.
He is as phony as they come. Even with his current behaviors and comments regarding Trump, I have no respect for this so called Pastor at all. Maybe he should go run as Trump vp in the next election, and let serious pastor host T E M A A.
They just answer the same easy questions. Never challenged.And there really is no bible answer man.
You don't even know how to spell his name KesTler
Thank you. They aren't really casting stones. They are just farts in a whirlwind. REALLY.
I was just reading a review about Joshua Springs Calvary Church in Yucca Valley, CA. One of the reviewers posted this link. She gave an incredibly accurate review of the church and Merrily Hagarman. Mike Kestler is her brother. They are one and the same. She's very abusive towards the students who go to the college and parishioners. I didn't realize that her table leader antics were so well known. They are her little "spies". If anyone says anything that is deemed negative, they are to report it to her. Then she publicly humiliates the "offender". I know for a fact in one case that the "spy" that reported one "offender" was a complete lie. It was the "spy" (table leader) who had bad mouthed the Hagarmans, Merrily's son and DIL, and their children and some others. The "offender" was so shocked by the verbal vomit that she ended the phone call. The next thing she knew, she was accused of doing what the "spy" had done. This is one case out of MANY. Merrily comes across as very sweet, but she is a viper. The worst is when she is "praying" for someone in a prayer meeting and it's more like an outing of someone's personal affairs. Had I not heard it, I wouldn't have believed it. If you want to see an abuse of money and power, this is the church for you. Take notes, it would be a best seller. The people that seem to intimidate the most are the ones who are truly living for the Lord and involved in ministries. Good luck if you go to that church. They destroy lives.
Tell that to God when you stand before Him. Sin is sin and God says there will be wolves in sheep's clothing. Kestler is a perverted wolf, spurred on by sex, greed and his master Satan!
I don't know how we became involved in this church. We both wanted to love, and serve the Lord. Somehow, Mike taught us a lot about the Bible, but only in word, not in deed. He is a disgrace to Christ, and the church. Our lives have been harmed in so many ways since we first met the man. Please he will hurt anyone who becomes involved in his church. Remember Jesus' words in John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Forgiveness is the hallmark of all those in Christ. When no one but God and the principals know the complete truth, and all we have is he said-he said, and he said-she said, but we also know that the principals eventually cane to terms and dropped their respective claims, we should pray that all are guided by the Holy Spirit to walk a path of repentance and faith, and a path of righteousnes for the Lord's namesake. To God be the glory.
Trust me when I say this garbage is still going on today, but worse. I only speak from the inside out on this. Not the outside in. It's pure disgusting. However, I am gone now.
I agree. I truly believe God is working through pastor Mike kestler for the good. I am blessed and inspired listening to him preach the Word.
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