Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Randi Rhodes is the Victim of a Violent Attack

Updated on October 18 at 1:20 PM PDT. Update set in bold face italics

We just received the 1,400th comment to this post. Needless to say, this is a record for Talking Radio. It might even be a record for political blogs, although we can't confirm that. We can confirm that on October 16 this blog was visited over 200,000 times. This says a lot about the power of the internet.

Randi Rhodes was mugged on Sunday night on 39th Street and Park Ave, nearby her Manhattan apartment, while she was walking her dog Simon.

According to Air America Radio late night host Jon Elliott, Rhodes was beaten up pretty badly, losing several teeth and will probably be off the air for at least the rest of the week. At of late Monday night we have not able to locate any press accounts of the attack and nothing has been posted on the AAR website.

Several liberal blogs, including the Randi Rhodes Message Board and Democratic Underground have logged numerous posts on the Rhodes mugging with most of the posters expressing concern about the condition of the popular lib talker.

AAR's official blogger, Nancy Scola, posted the following message on the lib network's website this morning:

Air America host Randi Rhodes experienced an unfortunate incident hindering her from hosting her show. The reports of a presumed hate crime are unfounded. Ms. Rhodes looks forward to being back on the air on Thursday.

Morning talk host, Lionel filled in for Rhodes on Monday, but did not say anything about why she wasn’t on hand to do her show. The Randi Rhodes board reports that Sam Seder, who does a Sunday afternoon show for AAR, will be filling on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Elliott was extremely agitated when he reported on the incident. He opened his show by saying "it is with sadness that tonight I inform you that my Air America colleague Randi Rhodes was assaulted last night while walking her dog near her New York City home."

Pointing out that Rhodes was wearing a jogging suit and displayed no purse or jewelry, Elliott speculated that "this does not appear to me to be a standard grab the money and run mugging."

"Is this an attempt by the right wing hate machine to silence one of our own," he asked. "Are we threatening them. Are they afraid that we're winning. Are they trying to silence intimidate us."

Some of blog posters also expressed concerns that the attack on Rhodes was hate crime. Other posters warned that we need more facts before any judgements are made.

According to Elliott, Rhodes was resting in her New York City apartment and was not hospitalized.

Attacks on liberal talk radio stations and their hosts are not a new thing. About a month ago a gunman fired a shot through a window at the studios of KPFT, Houston’s, Pacifica station narrowly missing a DJ who was hosting music show at the time. There is currently a $10,000 reward offered to anyone who identifies the shooter.

This is not the first politically motivated attack on KPFT. More than 35 years ago, the Ku Klux Klan blew up the station's transmitters twice within the Houston station's first year on the air.

Also, shortly after AAR morning talk show host Thom Hartmann, started doing talk radio (about four years ago), he was told by auto mechanic that there were several bullet holes in his car.

"To this day I don't know if somebody shot out my car as kids joyriding with a pistol or rifle... or was a warning or statement of displeasure about my radio show," Hartmann told TR. "I've gotten a lot of death threats and hate mail over the years - hate mail is pretty much a norm in this business - but nobody has taken a shot at me or my car since 2003."

Talk show host, Tom Leykis, who known to express liberal views on his daily "hot talk show" was assaulted outside a Seattle bar three years ago by agitated radio listeners.

According to the Seattle Times, a witness reported two men were involved in the incident:
"…One of the men said to Leykis, "I called your show once and you called me" a name. "You had no right to do that." Then a man standing to Leykis’ left kicked him in the face. The blow knocked him to his knees, leaving his right knee scraped and bruised."

Last year Stephanie Miller received a death threat from a nut case in Ohio named "Sock" Sokolowski. Here's what the letter said in part.

"As with Cindy Sheehan the best thing that could happen to you would be seeing some WONDERFUL activist sticking an AK-47 up your Glory Holes and sending you into eternity" ---
Miller called Socko during her show (yes, he actually included his phone number in the letter) and Socko claimed several times during the phone call that he didn't threaten Miller in the letter.

(Socko is not to be confused with Spocko, who is a liberal blogger who was threatened by ABC Radio's lawyers after he posted a list of advertisers to Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan's conservative talk show on KSFO-AM in San Francisco.)

Apparently, some right-wing critics of lib talk aren’t happy that conservative talk only accounts for 90% of the programming on talk radio. These whack jobs appear determined to whatever it takes to silence the opposing point of view.

Not surprisingly, the only talk radio host killed for his political views was a liberal. In 1984, two right wing extremists gunned down Denver talk show host Alan Berg. Berg’s tragic murder was memorialized in a chilling movie Talk Radio


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Anonymous said...

39th and Park Ave? That's an incredibly safe part of the city. Many, many, many people walking around with expensive purses, watches, jewelry showing. Incredibly suspicious.

Anonymous said...

They hate us for our freedoms! So let's take them all away. Put the libs in a "Free Speech Zone". War is Peace. Ha ha ha LMAO at you stupid repukes....

Anonymous said...

This attacker obviously needs a hug and to be told that he is "special" and "people DO love him"

Robosky said...

How does getting mugged make you a patriot?

Anonymous said...

You gotta give the pimp his cut, you stupid whore. Next time maybe you won't forget.

Anonymous said...

This is quite a sad event to hear about. No one deserves to be treated with such little compassion. It would benefit all to look at this situation with an open heart instead of a closed mind. This isn't about politics, its about real life.

Imagine if everyone carried a gun around for "protection". The attackers would have been well equipped to easily take her life. I am happy neither Randi nor the assailants had a gun, she has a much higher chance to survive and recover, not to mention no one was killed.

No one is a winner in this situation. I hope Randi the best; get well!!

Anonymous said...

" Let's see Michael "Zionist" Weiner, Rush "Pimple Ass" Limpballs, Sean Vanity, Bill O'Liely, Rudy, Bush, Cheney, etc. all were too busy to serve our country, but they're all for other people's kids dying for big oil. "

That was SOOOO funny! You TOTALLY turned their names into BAD WORDS!!! I am SOOO gonna tell the rest of my 4th grade class tomorrow! High five!!!

Anonymous said...

Smacks of an inside job! Where the hell was Kucinich last night?

phatjohnson said...

She must have pissed off Bill. She's lucky she didn't end up with a hole in the back of her head. (See Vince Foster)

Anonymous said...

It MUST be global warming!

Robosky said...

Is the mugger okay?

Anonymous said...

Now you know why Rush points out its so easy that both hands and half his brain are tied behind his back. What was the dogs name? Maybe animal rescue needs to be contacted!

Anonymous said...

I see the site has posted how much of a percent (19% to try to throw people off that they are talk radio) of the 10% lib's get in real talk radio so she gets really 2% of the people out there listening. Remember she a Victim of a violent Mugging attact also nice try on both parts your caught.

Anonymous said...

Well, while I hope she's alright, I love the irony. Call me Captain Obvious - but predators always have and always will go where there's prey. Take the gentleperson from Florida's advice, you can carry a concealed weapon (doesn't mean you HAVE to, but it means you have a choice and, as pro-choicers keep reminding us, having a choice = good times).

Anonymous said...

Wow, Pack... Your comment is fantastic. So REAL muggers are all black is what you're saying... Very Interesting Point

Anonymous said...

This ESDL SCUM got her ass kicked by ESDL SCUM! Now if this ESDL SCUM who got her ass kicked had defended the Constitution and all of her Amendments, especially the 2nd.... The headlines would have said, "ESDL SCUM attacks ESDL SCUM, ESDL SCUM pulls out gun and exersizes her GOD given rights of self protection and shoots ESDL SCUM dead. But instead she got her ESDL ass kicked!

I say," good for the ESDL SCUM kicking the ESDL SCUM's ass!

PS, ESDL= Egg Sucking Dog Liberal

Anonymous said...

I see the site has posted how much of a percent (19% to try to throw people off that they are talk radio) of the 10% lib's get in real talk radio so she gets really 2% of the people out there listening. Remember she a Victim of a violent Mugging attact also nice try on both parts your caught.

Anonymous said...

Hate and violence attract hate and violence; whether it was a targeted attack or a random freak is irrelevant. Her venomous personality and hate filled, baseless ranting would inevitably come home to roost.

Funny how the people who promote hate and ignorance never expect to be one of their own victims even though history show they usually are.

billclintoon said...

More violence in another blue city with crime running a muck. Philadelphia killings and crime running at record levels and last year over 16,000 murders in the U.S. (mostly blue cities). The liberal lying hate America and "open borders" crowd just don't get it, but then again most libs live within guarded gates.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, too bad she couldn't defend herself. The cops were most likely covering their asses from some ALCU infraction. Concealed weapon permit or not, look who got hurt. And where is the description of the attacker? Find the SOB and GIVE him an education, money, job, welfare to prop up his/her self esteem so that RR can FEEEEEL go about herself.

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION LIBERALS!!!! This is sarcasm!

Sarcasm; 1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain2 a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b: the use or language of sarcasm

Much of this is very good sarcasm!!

Anonymous said...

If Drudge hadn't limked this on his page, I never would have heard about it.
I thought that 'Air America' had folded! How many stations do they have left?


Anonymous said...

Now the truth comes out it is obvious that George W, Dick Cheny, and Rush Limbaugh have to silence the evil doers at Liberal Air America. Informed sources at the pentagon have secretly reveiled to the New York Times air strikes may be needed to take out the transmission towers. Meanwhile conseratives wonder how could a crime happen in New York where Guns are illegal. I am sure all the criminals turned in thier guns. Liberals still do not understand that while law abiding citizens have been stripped of the right of self protection criminals are armed with weapons more powerful than the Police. This makes sense to them and that is why Raceist Liberal talk raido is going bankrupt. Remember always feel sorry for the criminal, everything bad is caused by Republicans, Guns are bad, more taxes are good, and Tom Cruise and the church of scientoligy is always right.
P.S I hope the dog is OK.

Anonymous said...

This was DEFINITELY done by a Reich Wingnut. They are all going psycho.

The Reich Wingnuts in here are proof.

As the Repukes lose control and their attempted coup fails, the Reich Wingnuts will go completely psycho and start shooting up elementary schools.

The Reich Wingnuts have been whipped into a frenzy by their blowhards in the media like Junkie Rush and Mann Coulter. They're about ready to blow.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a good thing to rob from the rich to give to the poor? Isn't that the liberal ideology? How is it different from what the Democrats are doing to our troops...aren't they kicking our soldiers while they are down, and looking to take money away from them and their families at every opportunity with Tax increases?

Although Tragic, you can't help but see the irony.

Faith said...

I was sadden to hear about the attack on Randi and I hope her recovery goes well. For those of you who are upset about people asking about the dog, please remember it is proven that when you have pet with you you can heal faster both inside and out and your most of all you know your friend is okay.

Randi will rest better knowing that her friend is alive, with the tail wagging.

Unknown said...

Sdhe was probably high and fell down the steps. Did anyone drug test her. Surely Air America has random testing.

Anonymous said...

'who is rhandi rhodes' - ROFL. At first glance, I thought it was barbara streisand, which led me to believe she was belted because she wouldn't shut up.

Anonymous said...

rule of law conservatives? you make me puke, I can imagine the outrage if Rush Liebaugh had been beaten, but nothing wrong with aggravated assault on a liberal woman

Anonymous said...

What was the RACE of the attacker?

Anonymous said...

Hey Randi, I'm so sorry that these buffoons are having a field day mocking you and the horrible attack you suffered. You're strong, talented and inspirational. I've become a huge fan since you've joined Air America. God speed.

Pat Stevens

Anonymous said...

Was it possible that the people who did this have on "Duke Lacrosse" sweat shirts?

Anonymous said...

I'm very conservative. I hope she gets better soon.
She may want to look at getting some form of personal protection. I'm assuming the dog is pretty small.
Well it's sad. Hoepfully, they'll catch the person who did it.

Anonymous said...

care = null

Anonymous said...

shut up people. Just shut up. Yes you. Righties are a bunch of thugs, even if this was random your comments speak volumes.

Anonymous said...

I don't listen to Randi's hatefilled radio show, but I'm sure she's George Soros's "talking parrot", gleefully spreading lies and misinformation.

Anonymous said...

I just hope Randy Rhodes is fine and able to rejoin Ozzy's band when he feels up to it!

Anonymous said...

Heck, it wouldn't surprise me if a right-wing nutjob did this. Randi consistently whips the right's pasty white ass everyday. She has to be one of the best hosts in talk radio today. Get well soon Randi! We miss ya!

Anonymous said...

She probably lives in a rent controlled apartment taking it away from some needy family.

Anonymous said...

ESDL 20 up, 14 down

"E"gg "S"ucking "D"og "L"iberal = ESDL
"E"gg "S"ucking "D"og "L"iberal" s" = ESDLs (plural form)

A Liberal Democrat who has the character of a dog who like a thief in the night sneaks into the chicken coop to steal and eat eggs, thus referred to as an Egg Sucking Dog. A worthless Liberal Democrat that always wants to get something for nothing, and believes that everyone who makes money and pays taxes owes them a free ride living.

That person is an ESDL.
That politician has an ESDL mentality.
All Democrats are ESDLs.
That is the most ESDL statement that I have ever heard.
Prime example, MadCOWard Dean the Chairman of the DNC.

HammClov said...

Anonymous is a ruthless spammer.

I've lived in New York 5-6 years. I've been mugged, chased down the street, beaten and followed home, at least twice a year. I'm still a bleeding heart. Most of these incidents were perpetrated by kids. And I am not going to put a kid in jail. Not cause he's black, not cause he's poor, not cause he wants money for liquor or drugs or any reason at all. I'm just not going to do it.

I wish Randi Rhodes a speedy recovery. I sincerely doubt that this was a hate crime, but that doesn't make it any less unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Why is it a hate crime when a liberal talk show host is attacked?
Your argument for special law enforcement consideration and protection is the best argument I can think of against "Hate Crime" legislation.
Violence is violence.
A crime is a crime!
Nobody is more special than anybody else. And those who think they are, are dangerous to our way of life.

Anonymous said...

Silencing media is the MO for the Repukes.

Chimpy had Al Jazeera's offices in Baghdad bombed, and the hotel where all the journalists were staying in was shelled.

Chimpy once told Blair he wanted to bomb Al Jazeera headquarters.

The death toll of journalists in Iraq is the highest of any war.

And Chimpy is holding an Al Jazeera cameraman in Gitmo as we speak. The poor guy did nothing but he is being force fed with a four foot hose up his nose because he is on a hunger strike for habeas corpus.

Anonymous said...

Some one had a great idea. I wonder if it was one of their few listeners?

Matador527 said...

I'm sure, though, that as a true bleeding-heart liberal, she just KNOWS that the mugger is only a victim of a society ruled by those cruel, greedy, heartless right-wing conspiritors, and so surely she will forgive him, whoever he is...yeah, right!!! (She'll probably think of some way to accuse Rush Limbaugh of being to blame...)

Anonymous said...

it's foolish to point fingers at consternative bogeymen at this time... best to wait until the facts are out before criticizing anyone... they'll just try to use a false allegation against liberals...

Anonymous said...

i have accidently tuned her show in...radio left on...and though i cannot stand her voice and politics, i can't belive the crap people write.NOBODY deserves this kind of beating.And the lunatics already pointing their fingers are despicable.

Anonymous said...

I thought Air America went bankrupt?

My thoughts are with her in a speedy recovery. Hopefully blame is not just put on specific political followers yet anyone with a motive to commit such a crime.

It could have been anyone from a robbery to someone with a political agenda. Please don't accuse too soon without following up on all possibilities.

Anonymous said...

what's an Air America???

Anonymous said...

Well first off, I wish Ms. Rhodes a speedy and full recovery. (I am assuming this really happened and was not a black op to foist suspicion on the enemies of AA.)

Next, I question the timing.

Finally to answer: who is Randi Rhodes?

I think she played violin or something with Ozzy Osbourne.

Anonymous said...

This mugger just needs a good talking to. Maybe a hug. If you put him in jail he will just become a bigger criminal. In fact I think we new, very expensive government program to study this particular incident. Yep, gonna need to raise some taxes on the wealthy to fund it. BTW who is this Randy Rhodes guy.

Anonymous said...

Too bad she wasn't walking her pet rotweiler or shepherd (trained, if you get my drift) and exercising her non-existent second amendment rights (thanks, Rudy). Liberal or not, the story might have had a happier ending, and we could still be ridiculing her blather today.

Best wishes for recovery, Randi.

Anonymous said...

Too bad she wasn't deeped dicked by some african american gentleman

Anonymous said...

I am a conservative yes. And I hope she is okay. We are all human beings. I would hope if it were nec. to defend this country we would stick together. I hope they catch who did this and bring them to justice, no matter who it is. I wish we could stop all crime.

Whoever would do something like this is a nutjob.

Anonymous said...

Some repuke with a "support the troops" sticker said:

"That was SOOOO funny! You TOTALLY turned their names into BAD WORDS!!! I am SOOO gonna tell the rest of my 4th grade class tomorrow! High five!!!"

Nice dodge pal. Why rethugs would never use funny names for libs. I like the way you ignore the inconvenient truth that Randi was a vet and all your heros are paper tiger neocons.

You repukes have been in power for almost 8 years. Do you really like the condition of our country? Are things better now than they were under Clinton? You're the party of FEAR.

Anonymous said...

these comments have astounded me with the depth of hate you wing nuts have for innocent people

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Alan Berg was killed by American Nazi's. Am I to presume then that conservatives, who are often referred to as right wing are equivalent to Nazi's?!

Anonymous said...

To be hinest, she probably didn't have much to give the attacker since she donates all her money to the homeless, NEA, and major inner-city causes. More than likely, she was battered because she had absolutely zero value to the attacker. I used to make sure my girl carried money just so she would have something to give up (in my girl's case, she was attractive which would warrant a different manner of assault).
Is it possible that she was belted because the attacker thought she was a transvestite?

Unknown said...

Two words. GLOCK 36. I travel often and go where ever I want with confidence. I am permitted and a trained killer, thanks to the Lyndon Johnson Vietnamese pacification plan.

Anonymous said...

I bet little Wolfie Van Halen is the culprit. Either that or Rob Rittaca, the iron jew.

Anonymous said...

"Randi consistently whips the right's pasty white ass everyday."


Most conservatives are reading this saying... "Randi-who?"

Anonymous said...

After reading most of the comments, i'm convinced that it WAS a right wing "nut-job". The only time the riech wingers start screaming this loud, is when they are guilty.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What is an Air America?

The original Air America was a secret airline the CIA used to smuggle heroin out of the Golden Triangle in the 60's. Your tax dollars at work.

Air America Radio is NOT bankrupt and is stronger than ever. The truth will NOT be suppressed. Turn off your corporate media TV and listen to Air America Radio instead.

ShaneH said...

Gee, the left is not willing to believe proof of socialists doing anything bad but have no problem accusing the right at the drop of the hat. Nice. We have seen videos of the left attacking speakers on stages, the left throwing stuff at cops and destroying property. The left calling for the death of people the disagree with, but instantly without a suspect it must be the right that attacked her.

Anonymous said...

A few fyi's for the conservative morons who post here.

Air America is alive and very well. Look up Randi's ratings, for one.

Air America lost money in the begining and was mismanaged (by conservatives).

Fox "News" lost millions upon millions before they turned a profit. Rush lost money, too.

You can regularly find death threats against dem/liberals on any of a number of conservative websites.

New Yorkers don't get beat up for no reason.

Conservatives hate more than half the country (I listen to their radio) and some of them hate enough to commit violence. To wit:

Eric Rudolph
David McMenemy
Michael Townley
Timothy McVeigh
Terry Nichols
Paul Hill
Chad Castagana
Mark Uhl

Anonymous said...

Obviously, it must have been a political whacking. Look at her picture. No one could possibly want to rape her! Hope the dog is ok.

Anonymous said...

care = null

Anonymous said...

It is a sad fact that this world is still uncivilized, even in America. However, she was foolish and naive to believe that it is safe for a woman to be out at night alone, especially in a large city. Despite what mental health experts might profess, there is true evil lurking in the world, and it cannot be reasoned with. Besides, she should have better protection than a little "dog" with her. No pepper spray? A pitbull or German shepherd or some other dog with a "bad" reputation is a better deterrent, regardless of one's political leanings, which is all b.s. if you ask me. Democrats, Republicans, Liberals...they are all wolves in sheep's clothing. Wake up and grow up, people!

Anonymous said...

yeah, sure...

Remember that scene in "Dirty Harry" where the psycho pays some guy to beat him up to get sympathetic press coverage and blame it on Inspector Callahan?

yeah something smells alright...

Anonymous said...

Maybe she didn't pay her pimp?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would rather be a right wing nut job, then a liberal without nuts OR a job (author unknown).

Anonymous said...

The comments so far do much to reveal the conservative "character".

I am a proud American Liberal, but if Michael Wiener Savage, or Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, etc. were savagely beaten, I wouldn't be cheering that abuse of another human being.

But then Liberals are decent and honorable. Conservatives might want to try mimicking that. If only for the sake of appearances. Not to mention the health of your souls.

Most of the comments from the right on this board have hardly been something Jesus would have approved of.

Anonymous said...

After reading through the comments on this blog, I would have to say that the sooner God blows this planet to bits, the better off the universe will be. We're well on the way to destruction already, but it will just take longer if it's a do-it-yourself job.

Anonymous said...

If Hillary Clinton is elected President then all of the U.S. will be unsafe for people to walk the streets just as in New York, where Hillary Clinton, as Senator, lets muggers beat people like Randi Rhodes, with no fear of punishment.

Anonymous said...

I'm just guessing here, but I'll bet it wasn't Larry Craig.

Anonymous said...

My sympathy to Randi Rhodes, this should not happen to anyone.

But this is so typical of the Left, not a drop of evidence that it was politically motivated. Thom Hartmann says his auto repairman told him that he had three bullet holes in his windshield, but doesn't file a police report or show where the bullets ended up. (perhaps the bullets were shot OUT of the car?) And the cherry on top... Alan Berg, killed by "Right Wing Extremists." Uh, slow poke... those were neo-nazis, not neo-cons...

Anonymous said...

Robosky lets break down your points..

1. People, "Randi Rhoades" is not her real name.

It is common for radio personality, especially for rock DJs, to use an assumed name. Randi started off as a disk jockey.

2. We don't know if she was mugged. No one at Air America has credibility. They lie about most everything. They even diverted funds from the Boys Club to keep from bankruptcy. Sad, but true.

Yes the previous management of Air America did borrow money from the Boys Club and did not pay it back (the loan was questionable). But the individual that did that is no longer associated with Air America.
3. If she was mugged -- not exactly a given from these people -- the upside is that the famous saying might be tested and proven true: "A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged."

What do you mean "these people?" That is so biased.
4. I pictured her as a cat person.

This really does not matter.

5. She can make lots of money if she releases a poster of any police photos of herself right now.

I don't think anyone would knock out their own teeth, also it will most likely be some "news" outlet that will release the pictures first.

6. All good people should be concerned with the dog, if she has one. Nothing's a fact when it comes to Air America.

I'm sorry that the facts have a liberal bias, but thats the way it is. But is the rights "golden child" Rush 100% honest? He ignores facts constantly and is tool for the right. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."

Anonymous said...

I get mugged every day when I pay high taxes to big government...

Anonymous said...

She probably said something that offended either Bill or Hillary Clinton.

mlong said...

Maybe she was attacked by some members of that Boys club ERR America stole money from...Karma's a bitch ain't it Randi?

P.S. If you Libs are upset by that and other comments...then maybe you shouldn't have started this by blaming Conservatives for the attack to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Seriously all kidding aside she looks a man w/ a bad wig on. Liberal drag queen maybe? How's the dog?

Anonymous said...

Liberals are just stupid. End of story.

Anonymous said...

Some false left-right paradigm believer regurgitated:

"I don't listen to Randi's hatefilled radio show, but I'm sure she's George Soros's "talking parrot", gleefully spreading lies and misinformation."

And Hannity, O'Rielly and the rest of Faux News don't parrot Ruppert Murdock's lies and misinfo?!!! Notice any similarities about Ruppert and George? Tell me why Ruppert is backing Hilary Clinton? Why are Pappy Bush and Bill Clinton best friends now. Wake up...both parties are puppets. infowars.com

Anonymous said...

"Nice dodge pal. Why rethugs would never use funny names for libs. I like the way you ignore the inconvenient truth that Randi was a vet and all your heros are paper tiger neocons.

You repukes have been in power for almost 8 years. Do you really like the condition of our country? Are things better now than they were under Clinton? You're the party of FEAR."

Ha! There it is again! RETHUGS!!! REPUKES!!! You are HILARIOUS!!!

And anyways, who cares if she's a vet? Some vets are fucking idiots, and Randi is no exception. So what, I should listen to what she has to say because she was in the Air Force? Big deal. That didn't save her ass when Air America tanked. And Rush ... what was that perfectly childish phrase you used... 'Limpballs' is still on the air and has more listeners than ever. So go cry me a river. No one wants to hear this haggard old bitch, record of service or not.

Unknown said...

To silence Ms. Rhodes would be a disaster. She provides a great service to conservatives every time she opens her mouth.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, it must have been a political whacking. Look at her picture. No one could possibly want to rape her! Hope the dog is ok.

Anonymous said...

Typical liberal: blame the other side for everything including the weather.

Anonymous said...

It was George W. Bush in New York City with the candle stick. Do I win the game? Gosh these new on line games are fun. This is better than playing Clue.

Anonymous said...

I think thmugger just has poor socialization. We need to identify him and offer him an education and jobs training. It's society that forces these poor people to commit these acts. The attack on randy was a cry for help.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I mispelled 'honest' ... I was controlling my laughter over the comment about the picture looking like a post-beating picture.
Anyway, in all seriousness, the mugging/beating was wrong - I think we all agree to that. It's just that us Conservatives think that muggers/beaters need to be punished and people should be able to defend themselves - not just rosie o'pancake's in their ivory towers with armed bodyguards, but even us ugly haggard-looking ordinary citizens who only want to walk our pedigree (more power to rhandi if she actually has a mutt she rescued from the streets or worse).

Anonymous said...

MAXPOWER said...
Tragic!!!! Is the dog OK?

to answer your question, MAX,
no she wasnt OK, they said she " was beaten up pretty badly, losing several teeth and will probably be off the air for at least the rest of the week."

Anonymous said...

For all those liberals complaining about the conservative posts on here, too bad. The article suggests conservatives were behind the attack, so conservatives have every right to point out the irony of the situation and the hypocrisy of rhodes. While I dont want to see anyone hurt, I can't help but think about how her policies on gun rights, shorter sentences for criminals, and penchant for blaming the system, the white male, or the weather before the thug played a role in this situation.

Anonymous said...


People in NCY get mugged...

Dr. j said...

This can not be a hate crime, she was white. If she was armed and carrying a concealed handgun, she could have dropped the criminal. Too bad she and her liberal ilk hate guns and personal protection. As to the article pointing out, it might have been a conservative hate monger who attacked her, it could not have been a conservative responsible for the attack. WHY? Because a conservative would have been at work paying taxes for the liberal entitlement criminal who actually assaulted her. It could have been for a rape, since the writer pointed out she had no purse and was dressed for jogging. He also pointed out that conservatives hate that they only have 90% of the talk radio listeners ears and want them all. What he was really saying is that no one listens to liberal radio and congress is pissed, so much so they are threatening legislation making radio station have equal time to present both sides. Who is scared? Not the conservatives. IF radio stations are made to present both sides, at least half the time the stations will be turned off by the listeners. Loss of revenue, closing of the business. More Government intervention.

Anonymous said...

It was probably one of the illegal immigrants living in front of the Consulate General of Guatemala on 38th and Park Avenue. There are hundreds of them just lounging around the church and the consulate.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww. Oh well. One less lib isn't really all that bad.

Dr. j said...

This can not be a hate crime, she was white. If she was armed and carrying a concealed handgun, she could have dropped the criminal. Too bad she and her liberal ilk hate guns and personal protection. As to the article pointing out, it might have been a conservative hate monger who attacked her, it could not have been a conservative responsible for the attack. WHY? Because a conservative would have been at work paying taxes for the liberal entitlement criminal who actually assaulted her. It could have been for a rape, since the writer pointed out she had no purse and was dressed for jogging. He also pointed out that conservatives hate that they only have 90% of the talk radio listeners ears and want them all. What he was really saying is that no one listens to liberal radio and congress is pissed, so much so they are threatening legislation making radio station have equal time to present both sides. Who is scared? Not the conservatives. IF radio stations are made to present both sides, at least half the time the stations will be turned off by the listeners. Loss of revenue, closing of the business. More Government intervention.

Anonymous said...

I'm laying 2 to 1 odds that Randi will be either applying for a concealed weapons permit within the month or she will receive protection from an armed guard. Nothing like a little crime to turn bleeding hearts into intelligent conservatives.

Not everyone wants to be your pal Randi. It is easy to get complacent about the very dangerous world we live in when you live under the protection of the brave men and women who have given their lives so you can say pretty stupid things and get paid for it . I guess this guy who beat up Randi fell through the cracks of the great society.

Anonymous said...

Watch the assailant be some black thug. Mugging the people who stand up for them.

Anonymous said...

After reading all the responses I found that there is still hope for America. I was pleasantly surprised that people don’t believe all of the “Intellectually Inbred” garbage that is out there.

It is truly sad that she was attacked and I hope that she will be OK. I too hope that the dog is OK. Isn’t it a liberal idea to be more concerned with the well being of animals than of humans?


Anonymous said...

You can not say on one hand that we are jumping the gun blaming right wing crazies, and on the other hand publicly call for more violence. I hope you raise your children to have better behavior than you are exhibiting here.

Anonymous said...

This is SO stupid, people!!! Randi's show is great and she has every right to say what she does. The humiliating thing for some of us is the division of America. As Colonial Dame, Daughter of Amer. Rev., and Daughter of Golden West material, my ancestors fought and suffered through kidnappings and other insanity so we could all speak freely. We have more in common than differences. Don't be manipulated! Live and let live. In your individual choices you may act upon your likes and dislikes. Give me my freedoms and let me say what I want, like any American should be able to do. Is this turning into a fascism, or something?

To be honest, your petty snipes say much more about YOU than about anyone else...Only the short and low need to constantly put others down to feel bigger or prettier or more powerful. Obviously, money doesn't buy what you really need, does it?

I am ashamed to be an American like some of you but since my family's been among them for over 300 or 400 years, I'll just assume you didn't learn properly and don't have it in your blood.

Anonymous said...

I love it. The lunatic left is blaming their betters for beating on a pig like rhodes. It's cowardly democRATs who are known for abusing women.

Just ask billypecker or te(r)d kennedy

Willys said...

Hope this is not the 'Fairness Doctrine' in action... :eek:

Anonymous said...

Since liberals believe in open borders, hating God, dividing familes, supporting terrorism and spreading hate filled propaganda......I don't believe I would be interested in Randi's lying George Soros rhetoric. SO I DON'T LISTEN TO HATE AMERICA.

Anonymous said...

For those spewing nothing but hate this morning?

Nothing is uglier than your soul.

"Compassionate" conservatism on display... Way to show America who you TRULY are.

Hateful, petty, & small.

And most definitely un-Christian.

You oughta be ashamed of yourselves.

Anonymous said...

It is quite possible that rape was the motive. Everyone knows that good looks are unimportant to rapists.

Anonymous said...

Is there a police report on this? Until we see a report it all sounds like another made up piece of excrement made up by the likes of the left in their attempt to always be on the defensive and to look like victims. Poor lefties.

Littleboyblue said...

It sucks to be her. I bet her lesbo girlfriend or partner did it to her. She forgot the "SafeWord" or "StopWord" whatever those freaks call it.

Anonymous said...

To: Death to Republicans said...

It's time for the left to go romper stomper on these Nazis. Yes, there are plenty of liberals that support the 2nd amendment and it's time to take this country back by force.

I say, "Go ahead - Make My Day!!"

You don't want to go there - but we will be glad you did!

Liberals don't fly C130. Do you know how many Liberals fit in a C130 hold? I can't wait to find out! It's nice that all of you liberals are in such good shape - so as to fit more of you on a flight. We don't want to contribute more to global warming then we have too.

Don't Cry for me Argentina!

Anonymous said...

God bless you, Randi! Rest easy and get better quick! America needs you back on the air! Keep fighting the good fight!

Please dismiss the disgusting and moronic comments left here by hate mongering pukes. It's obvious they have no life!
If it's any consolation, they're just showing their true nature and proving how righteous you really are!

God love you, Randi!

Anonymous said...


In New York???

The hell you say! Gotta be them right wingers, trying to silence the 9/11 Truth movement.


Anonymous said...

I feel bad for what happened to her. But to jump to such an amazing conclusion that it's because she is a liberal talk show host only adds to the "moon-bat" mystique of liberals. Everyday there is more fodder to use against libs. Go away, already.

Anonymous said...

I thought Randy Rhoades was Ozzy's guitarist?!?

Anonymous said...

By the way Randi, How is that Ohio recount coming along?

Anonymous said...

I have a serious question concerning this publicity stunt?
The article doesn't mention what kind of dog she owns? Does anybody know or care?

Anonymous said...

WOW, you people REALLY are nuts. Mugged in New York - big surprise... Figured out some way to blame the vast right wing conspiracy - no surprise at all...
P.S. I see all those liberal gun control laws are working as planned.

Anonymous said...

How weak and small do you have to be to take joy in another's pain like this?

Were you all abused as children?

What if this was your mother, or sister, or daughter, or aunt?

When you joined the GOP, did you have to sign in blood and give away your soul?

Anonymous said...

According to the NYPD blotter there were 116 muggings last night in the NYC area.

Seems to be a common occurance.

Why all the surprise?

Anonymous said...

It is sad that Randi was attacked. It is more sad to read such lack of compassion in the comments here. Civilization depends on compassion and understanding. We do not need to agree on anything at all, we only need to respect each others' humanity.

Anonymous said...

For those righties who have commented in a negative way about Randi, they need to check their very black hearts.

Randi talks truth to power and that is why you do not like her. She backs up everything she says with links to go and read the material for yourself so you can decide.

What sick folks would wish ill on another American? Those who put the Republican Party before our once great country. How sick and sad.????
It was the "left" that burned a house full of babies to death at Waco, the lefties who shot the 14 yr old boy in the back at Ruby Ridge, the left who supports partial birth abortion, Clinton who gave (sold) bad blood to the Canadian Red Cross infecting (no joke look it up) over 3,000 people in Canada. You tell me who has the black heart.?????

Anonymous said...

Im Sure most libs are now wondering "I wonder how we can ever help this poor misunderstood mugger"!!!

Anonymous said...

Nobel Prize for Randi. First woman to win who now has less teeth than Mother Teresa.

Anonymous said...

The conservative hate on this thread is palpable.

While they're calling "libs" the haters.

And meanwhile they've driven the dollar down to shite.

It would be funny if it weren't so tragic

dikkydoo22 said...

Maybe the dog should take her for a walk during daylight hours.

Anonymous said...

Is she the Ex wife of the NFL Coach Rhodes? AND why do we care?

If she was some poor Black woman, we wouldn't hear a single thing about it!! So I guess if you are rich, white and living in NY city, it is news? but if you are poor black, it is not, you racists neebs!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that both Randi Rhodes and Air America suck...

....and I'm a liberal.


Anonymous said...

How could such a thing happen in a blue city in a blue state; criminals have rights too you know!

Anonymous said...

The perpetrator or in this article "mugger", didn't rape her for one reason only, he didn't have a community "free" condom.

Anonymous said...

chest beating pile-on following behavior is for primates. Pleasing pappa by being in the horde, are we? Maybe daddy will love us if we show we're tough!

Anonymous said...

I bet she was attacked by a wealthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male.

They are, afterall, the scourge of the world.

Anonymous said...

To all those who think conservatives should check their black hearts, have you actually listened to the vitriole that this woman spews every day? She has now surpassed every fundamentalist in America as the most self-righteous hypocritical person in modern society

Anonymous said...

You people are cruel. For heaven's sakes look at that picture. It looks like she was beaten for hours. Where are the cops in this town while that went on for so long? Oh yeah, the cops are busy trying to keep order at a local "peaceful" code pink rally.

chris said...

maybe Harry Reid can start a petition and have senators sign it to condem the mugger.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why a lose of a few teeth would keep her off the air. She's been talking out of her a$$ for years.

Mark O'Leary said...

Although I'm pretty conservative, the dog comments ought to be beneath us.

I find the conspiracy crowd especially laughable in this instance. The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy might as well have mugged her on the air, since there would have been about the same number of witnesses.

Anonymous said...

I am not a liberal and most of the time I am accused of being a right winger when I talk on the net.

Some of you are posting support for a woman who was beaten up while jogging? What if this had been your mother, wife, sister, or daughter?

Despite what you feel politically it is certainly not alright to condone this violence against anyone.

I hope the FBI investigates each and every comment supporting violence here, because:

1) The real attacker would feel justified if he/she read what was posted here.

2) It would be very likely that the attacker would come here to post support for themselves.

Yes, this article is as biased as they come. First, accusing the attacker of being a right winger without any proof is just stupid. Second, associating this attack with the hate crime of the KKK is propagandist and serves no purpose.

My country if falling apart because we are allowing the extremist idiots to pretend that they are the majority of each side. Moveon.org./Air America and Dittoheads can kiss my crack.

mlong said...

"But then Liberals are decent and honorable."

What a load..remember when all those "honorable" Libs at Daily Kos.Dem Underground and Huffington Post mocked Tony Snow when he announced he had Cancer?..how decent was that?

The fact is the author of this post decided to use the assault on Rhodes to launch into a 9/11 "Truther" style attack on Conservatives so we responded in kind.

George said...

Ridiculous BS. Most muggers and criminals are lefties in fact, not conservatives. Give it a rest -- and get a life.

Anonymous said...

How sad. They can only be negative.

Anonymous said...

Some of the people posting are complete idiots. Especially you right-wing fascist cowardly types. Instead of wearing your ignorance so proudly on your sleeves, why don't you biggoted ass-wipes either do some reading and educate yourselves, or in the alternative, do all of humanity a favor, and put a gun in your mouths and pull the trigger. Then we can make fun of you and show absolutely no compassion. Like the Germans that followed Hitler blindly, you too will have your day and be judged. "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
Right wing = fascist.

Anonymous said...

I don't let anyone... ANYONE... tell me who my enemies are.

Anonymous said...

You damn liberal losers are so hypocritical. If this incident had occured to Rush, Hannity, Boortz, Levin, Savage, Coulter, Medved, Reagan, Malkin, or O'Reilly, you people would be celebrating a victory in a manner that would have made Muslims celebrating during 9/11 look like a tea party. And you people know it.

Anonymous said...

Because some have suggested that conservatives were behind the attach, it makes it justifiable for conservatives to support criminal attacks on a woman walking her dog. Law and order means criminal violence is ok, as long as it is againse someone you don't like. What do you stand for?

Anonymous said...

I think you all missed the point. Somewhere in the lower Bronx yesterday someone saw a tangle of phone wires that resembled a noose. Randi just happened to be walking by when six offended minority males beat the $%#@ out of her because they were offended by the noose. Al Sharpton will be on site soon to protest the police attempts to find the muggers.

Anonymous said...

that is really sad. I hope she is ok. Nobody should do that to another human being.

But, shame on the bleeding hearts for trying to blame this on conservatives. I've heard a lot of ridiculous things from you people but this may take the cake.

She lives in NYC. People get mugged here all the time.

Yeah, it's a safe city but there is still a lot of crime.

Anonymous said...

Where was Dick Cheney last night? Someone check his knuckles for cuts. Or maybe it was the same people who planted the explosives in the twin towers. Will these people stop at nothing???

Anonymous said...

It is a standard talking/blame point. Remember when Mr Clinton started the tirade on Fox news about asking him tough questions and that they would not ask a Republican the same sort of question? This is another diversion. Very interesting that the wording is virtually the same in every instance. If a person exercises bad judgement and goes out in NYC at night, it seems as though the persons judgement should come into question. The falicy with the argument is that no right wing people in NYC

Anonymous said...

Damn before this article was published I thought Randi Rhodes was a man, even looks that way in his/her picture. Hope the dog is OK.

hunter said...

This was done by Clinton Inc to silence Randi from her push to get Al Gore to run again.
Both her listeners probably already realize it.

Anonymous said...

I will never understand people who can not see past their own political party. Republicans and Dems are both equally stupid...

Some poor lady gets her teeth smashed in, and both sides want to turn it into politics? It is pathetic.

People need to learn to have their own minds..stop identifying yourself by your politics. Think for yourself's dummies.

Anonymous said...

From a political standpoint, I couldn't disagree with Randi Rhodes much more then I do. I guess all you libs out there would label me a "Neo-con" for what I believe.

Beating on a defenseless woman while she is walking her dog, however, has nothing to do with politics. Whoever did this should have his teeth knocked out in the same way. For all you "libs" ou there, why don't you stop assuming political motivations for every little thing that happens in your sad lives. A sick ***hole did this, nothing more, nothing less. I hope Randi makes a speedy recovery. She didn't deserve this in any way.

right always said...

My God, the woman was mugged and beat to a pulp. Forget the politics and catch the bastard who did it. I don't like Air America and think liberal thinking may border only occasionally on logic and believability; of course, the jump to a right wing nut job attack without facts just supports that kind of stupidity. However, whether or not I like her politics, personality, etc., I would never wish such an outcome on anyone. Nor should any of you so called "conservatives." Let's just hope and pray she recovers. What she becomes after the fact is up to her.
P/S: if it was a conservative nut who did this, I'll be the first in line to return the favor.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Everyone likes the nigger until they come at you with a gun in the middle of the night.

Anonymous said...


Mr. Smarterthanyou said...

She was probably mugged by a member of a privileged minority group that she constantly makes excuses for and casts as victims.

They say a conservative is a liberal who got mugged. Not all conservatives were ever so stupid to be liberal to start with, but it will be interesting to see if she reacts with her gut, and realizes that good intentions don't mean squat, or of her ideological handlers will get to her first and try to play this off as some kind of conspiracy.

Anonymous said...


Was Randi supporting Osama over Hillary because those Clinton thugs will stop at nothing to get power.

Anonymous said...

If Right wing = fascist

Then Left wing = Communist

Fascist = 35 million dead

Communist = 90 million dead

You pick!

Anonymous said...

"Truther" style attack on Conservatives so we responded in kind.

8:58 AM

Typical Repulic: They act like what they claim to hate and aren't smart enough to see the irony.

jba said...

Whats the definition of a Conservative?


Anonymous said...

Mandy girl said...
For those righties who have commented in a negative way about Randi, they need to check their very black hearts.

Isn't that a racist statement???

Oh teh noes....lmao

Just Natural Selection at work.....nothing to see here folks, move along

Phyllo65@gmail.com said...

Despite how i feel about this despicable woman,I would never advocate,nor be happy about a violent attack on her.
These types of attacks are the trademark of the left in this country;we do not need to stoop to THEIR level

Anonymous said...

Strange how the left can turn such a blind eye to their own hate. You got clinton leaving how many dead in his wake? Waco, Ruby Ridge, the whole bad blood scandal. The man killed by a bomb he dropped on the day Monica testified. Then there's Hillary, telling reporters that her daughter was jogging around the World Trade Center the same day it was bombed , her own daughter said it wasn't true & she had spoken with Hillary that moring & her mom knew she wasn't headed in the opposite direction that morning. Taking the murders thousands (at the time she told her bogus story to the press the death toll was believed to be over 5,000.) & she turns it around to get sympthony for herself, great human being!

Anonymous said...

I propose a non-binding resolution condemning this horrible act....where was Dick Cheney on the night of the attack?

Anonymous said...

Dumb chick sould of had a German Shepherd for a pet. I mean how many people get mugged with a dog like that? No wait... I'm guessing that dog is too much like a weapon.

Anonymous said...

Where was THIS man on the night of the crime? Nice gams Randi.


Anonymous said...

Isn't New York City one the most liberal in the US and isn't the one where you have the greatest chance of being mugged?

Veronica said...

Wow. Reading some of the comments here just shows what pathetic, infantile and violent people some of the GOP are. You people make me sick and I hope something like this happens to one of your friends and family members, and people ask if the "dog" made it out okay. You disgusting and pitiful wastes of human flesh are the reason the rest of the world hates us - your arrogance, willful ignorance and sheer stupidity are an EMBARRASSMENT to this country. Why don't YOU take your cowardly and pathetic @sses out on the train tracks and wait for the next train to come by - the world will be an infintely better place without you hateful, shameful and pathetic scumbags.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Randi Rhodes was mugged!

His guitar work for Ozzy was fucking AWESOME!!

Rock on, Randi!!!

Anonymous said...

And she thought drug dealing was a victimless crime. No drugs, no teeth, no money. A bad night, except for one very happy little dog.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sorry!!!!!

If Right wing = fascist

Then Left wing = Communist

Fascist = 35 million dead

Communist = 90 million dead

UN = 135 million dead

You pick!

Anonymous said...

"You people are cruel. For heaven's sakes look at that picture. It looks like she was beaten for hours. Where are the cops in this town while that went on for so long? Oh yeah, the cops are busy trying to keep order at a local "peaceful" code pink rally."
.....Now that's funny!

Anonymous said...

At least now we're seeing a fair representation of the 28% Club who still support Mr. Bush...

I believe your Mr. Cheney said it best...

Seriously, what a bunch of deranged assholes...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Let's assume decency in other people until proven otherwise.

There is no bloc of "lefties" or "liberals" just as there is no block of "right wingers". Assume everyone has independent thought.

Painting with wide brushes here people.

I'm sure these comments are meant to get a chuckle from like-thinking people. But someone was attacked.

What if it was your wife? What if it was your daughter? What if it was your sister?

Anonymous said...

Why no description of the mugger? Is it because the mugger was a minority like the overwhelming majority of all muggers? And a minority is rarely right wing, right?
As far as Alan Berg is concerned, regardless of who killed him, Berg is no longer mouthing his vile anti-White anti-Christian propaganda.
The two so called "right wing extremists" were acquitted of murder. The left then resorted to the tired old nowhere in law theme of "civil rights." David Lane, a great man and an innocent man, was imprisoned for "violating Berg's civil rights!" The civil rights of White Patriots apparently don't exist in America.

Anonymous said...

the black hearts statement was based on an earier statment made by a "leftist" stating that the right had "blackhearts" check your facts. You'll need to ask the person on the left if it was racist.

Anonymous said...

You poor, sick people.

May God have no mercy on your souls. †

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased to see that many have maintained their humor. If Randi reads these posts she'll probably appreciate the vast majority and see the truth and humor. Maybe even recover as a more gentle, kinder and honest soul.

Anonymous said...

mlong said: "Remember when all those 'honorable' Libs at Daily Kos.Dem Underground and Huffington Post mocked Tony Snow when he announced he had Cancer?..how decent was that?"

You can of course back up that ad hominem attack with a link...?

I am aware that some felt that Tony got sick because he was lying for a living and that takes a toll (karma), but 9 out of 10 simply expressed sympathy --- Including Randi Rhodes, I might add. So did Stephanie Miller. Both Liberal hosts expressed nothing but REAL compassion, and wished him well.

Sadly, the ratio of hate to generosity among Conservative posters to this board has been precisely the reverse. 9 out of 10 have been hate-filled, evil, spiteful, and generally LAME.

I honestly don't know how so many of you can call yourselves Christians, and behave in the fashion I've seen here.

It's not my place to judge you for your comments, but I can say someone will, and He has a VERY long memory....

Anonymous said...

How can she even afford an apartment in Manhatten on her salary. Air America's ratings are dismal....I wonder why that is?LOL

Chip said...

Not surprisingly, the only talk radio host killed for his political views was a liberal. In 1984, two right wing extremists gunned down Denver talk show host Alan Berg.

Berg was targeted because he was Jewish, not for his liberal views. This is obvious when one considers the same white supremacist group accused of killing Berg, The Order, was also targeting Henry Kissinger.

Anonymous said...

You guys are idiots. Drug deals are dangerous EVERYWHERE. This is not a NYC problem. This is a drug deal gone bad problem, which happens everywhere. You hateful pukes.

Anonymous said...

I think she tripped and fell, smashing her teeth on the curb. It was republicans who designed that curb. Notice the dog was not injured, it likely used its leash to trip her. And Air America, used to be on here in dallas, but after they were busted for embezzelment, I stopped listening. They always had some british chick with a lot of hatred for Americans ranting about Iraq.

Anonymous said...

If it was a black man he is misunderstood and deserves what he steals after years of slavery.
If it is an illegal alien they can not be prosecuted because we have kept them down and prevented them from getting the american dream.
If it was a jew they were just greedy.

But if it was a CONSERVATIVE it must be a hate crime and they should be put to death!! :)

Anonymous said...

As an AfroAmerican, I resent your derogatory use of the term "blackheart."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
If Right wing = fascist
Then Left wing = Communist
Fascist = 35 million dead
Communist = 90 million dead
You pick!

I pick neither, they both suck! In the middle is a Republic, which we used to be. Now, we have major polarization with both extremes pushing their views without knowing anything about the ideals of the founding Fathers of the United States. It was never designed to be a democracy - democracies are tantamount to "mob rules," and are not subject to the rule of law. A Republic's objective is adherence to the rule of law.

So, I'm not sure what the point you think you made was, except that you has ASSumed that I am a leftist. Guess again friend.

Blogomania said...

The nastiness of many of the comments left here just shows the true, fascist natue of the right-wing nut-faction. Since the Bush-loaded Extreme Court putsched the Presidency to W, the default position for life in the once-great USA has been right-wing conspiracy. We must assume that Randi was vicitimized by a person acting like you right-wingers talk - until it is proven otherwise. Hey, wingnuts, start reading and thinking. Go take a night-course or something - and please give up target-practice. Get well, Randi, and get yourself a much bigger dog - perhaps a Doberman, one that is trained to have a taste for wingnut flesh.

Anonymous said...

McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter! McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter! McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter! McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter! McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter! McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter! McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter! McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter! McChimpyAbughraibCheneySatanHaliburtonno blood for oil! Chickenhawkneoconhitlerlover! God-is-Evil-Christianist-capitalistpignazi nazi nazi! Ann Coulter!

Anonymous said...

Revenge? Was it some poor kid from Gloria Wise trying to get some of the 500K+ that Air America stole from them.??

Anonymous said...

One only need read this thread to know conservatives are hateful enough to have done this to Randi.

Anonymous said...

So a liberal gets mugged and right away it's the "right wing hate machine...worried that Air America is winning." Hmmm...where's the evidence? Not to mention, um...Air America is bankrupt! Nobody is listening to it!!! Perhaps this "mugging" was staged for publicity. Wouldn't be the first time...ask Al Sharpton.

Anonymous said...

Typical hate mongering. In my experience conservatives usually fight for your right to say what you want. Liberals only want you to say what they want to hear. Why do you think AlGore didn't want the Florida Military votes to count in 2000. I Hope the Woman is all right and they catch the mugger.

Anonymous said...


I'm glad I don't live in NY, I can barely stomach the Neo-Commies I live with in Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

It was that stalker, Keith Olberman!

Anonymous said...

Did the police have any trouble identifying which one was the dog or did they simply take both of them to the vet?

Chris said...

"Justice is as strictly due between neighbor nations as between neighbor citizens. A highwayman is as much a robber when he plunders in a gang as when single; and a nation that makes an unjust war is only a great gang."
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Wow was he on the money.

These poor evil souls who relish in others harm. They are deeply disturbed Republican Authoritarian Syndrome Sufferers or elephant ass, which I call them.

Just look at the right wing PNACi (Project for a New American Century supporter, pronounced p nazi) cowards who relish in this evil act. I'll bet they are the evangelical closet gay, racist.

Cowards to the max. Chicken hawks just like their leaders, Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, Rudy, undeniable draft dodgers, drug addicts, cross dressing, cheerleaders, profoundly ignorant, lacking of any moral character, but good Christians I am sure.

They need to be prayed for.

They are anti-American traitors to the constitution. PNACi sissy mahfugs.

Hang in there Randi, we love you.

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