Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Randi Rhodes is the Victim of a Violent Attack

Updated on October 18 at 1:20 PM PDT. Update set in bold face italics

We just received the 1,400th comment to this post. Needless to say, this is a record for Talking Radio. It might even be a record for political blogs, although we can't confirm that. We can confirm that on October 16 this blog was visited over 200,000 times. This says a lot about the power of the internet.

Randi Rhodes was mugged on Sunday night on 39th Street and Park Ave, nearby her Manhattan apartment, while she was walking her dog Simon.

According to Air America Radio late night host Jon Elliott, Rhodes was beaten up pretty badly, losing several teeth and will probably be off the air for at least the rest of the week. At of late Monday night we have not able to locate any press accounts of the attack and nothing has been posted on the AAR website.

Several liberal blogs, including the Randi Rhodes Message Board and Democratic Underground have logged numerous posts on the Rhodes mugging with most of the posters expressing concern about the condition of the popular lib talker.

AAR's official blogger, Nancy Scola, posted the following message on the lib network's website this morning:

Air America host Randi Rhodes experienced an unfortunate incident hindering her from hosting her show. The reports of a presumed hate crime are unfounded. Ms. Rhodes looks forward to being back on the air on Thursday.

Morning talk host, Lionel filled in for Rhodes on Monday, but did not say anything about why she wasn’t on hand to do her show. The Randi Rhodes board reports that Sam Seder, who does a Sunday afternoon show for AAR, will be filling on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Elliott was extremely agitated when he reported on the incident. He opened his show by saying "it is with sadness that tonight I inform you that my Air America colleague Randi Rhodes was assaulted last night while walking her dog near her New York City home."

Pointing out that Rhodes was wearing a jogging suit and displayed no purse or jewelry, Elliott speculated that "this does not appear to me to be a standard grab the money and run mugging."

"Is this an attempt by the right wing hate machine to silence one of our own," he asked. "Are we threatening them. Are they afraid that we're winning. Are they trying to silence intimidate us."

Some of blog posters also expressed concerns that the attack on Rhodes was hate crime. Other posters warned that we need more facts before any judgements are made.

According to Elliott, Rhodes was resting in her New York City apartment and was not hospitalized.

Attacks on liberal talk radio stations and their hosts are not a new thing. About a month ago a gunman fired a shot through a window at the studios of KPFT, Houston’s, Pacifica station narrowly missing a DJ who was hosting music show at the time. There is currently a $10,000 reward offered to anyone who identifies the shooter.

This is not the first politically motivated attack on KPFT. More than 35 years ago, the Ku Klux Klan blew up the station's transmitters twice within the Houston station's first year on the air.

Also, shortly after AAR morning talk show host Thom Hartmann, started doing talk radio (about four years ago), he was told by auto mechanic that there were several bullet holes in his car.

"To this day I don't know if somebody shot out my car as kids joyriding with a pistol or rifle... or was a warning or statement of displeasure about my radio show," Hartmann told TR. "I've gotten a lot of death threats and hate mail over the years - hate mail is pretty much a norm in this business - but nobody has taken a shot at me or my car since 2003."

Talk show host, Tom Leykis, who known to express liberal views on his daily "hot talk show" was assaulted outside a Seattle bar three years ago by agitated radio listeners.

According to the Seattle Times, a witness reported two men were involved in the incident:
"…One of the men said to Leykis, "I called your show once and you called me" a name. "You had no right to do that." Then a man standing to Leykis’ left kicked him in the face. The blow knocked him to his knees, leaving his right knee scraped and bruised."

Last year Stephanie Miller received a death threat from a nut case in Ohio named "Sock" Sokolowski. Here's what the letter said in part.

"As with Cindy Sheehan the best thing that could happen to you would be seeing some WONDERFUL activist sticking an AK-47 up your Glory Holes and sending you into eternity" ---
Miller called Socko during her show (yes, he actually included his phone number in the letter) and Socko claimed several times during the phone call that he didn't threaten Miller in the letter.

(Socko is not to be confused with Spocko, who is a liberal blogger who was threatened by ABC Radio's lawyers after he posted a list of advertisers to Lee Rodgers and Melanie Morgan's conservative talk show on KSFO-AM in San Francisco.)

Apparently, some right-wing critics of lib talk aren’t happy that conservative talk only accounts for 90% of the programming on talk radio. These whack jobs appear determined to whatever it takes to silence the opposing point of view.

Not surprisingly, the only talk radio host killed for his political views was a liberal. In 1984, two right wing extremists gunned down Denver talk show host Alan Berg. Berg’s tragic murder was memorialized in a chilling movie Talk Radio


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Anonymous said...

That poor dog!

Anonymous said...

The obvious remedy to this situation is to shave the dog's butt and have Randi walk backwards from now on!

Anonymous said...

Love the immediate conspiracy comments from the co-host--maybe the justice brothers, jackson and sharpton can 'investigate'. Of course it was a hate crime. A hate crime is a crime a liberal seeks to use for political purposes--no more, no less.


Anonymous said...

Check your cars you REICHwing nutfucks.
We libs are EVERYEWHERE.
Check your kids too.
Check your mothers, we like to fuck them most.
Check your guns, HAHAHA, we don't need no stinkin guns, we will fuck you with it, if you came at us.
Check your morals too, because you fuckin tards, lost your morals in 1966.
Check your sins, because you incapable of empathy screwballs will eventually meet "your maker" and you will have lots of splainin to do.

Pussy assed bunch of rednecks cretins. Lets get it on mofos

Anonymous said...

Most conservative radio listeners (and most others) don't even know you exist. I had never heard of Rhodes until I followed this link from Drudge. Get over yourself!

JG said...

"Too bad you lefties don't have any guns...We'll mow your asses down before breakfast."

You threatening me?

It's a well known fact that rightwing radio hosts "rile" up their listeners. And it would be no surprise if one of those listeners decided to take matters into their own hands. Malkin likes to stalk 12 year olds. Right wing blogs give out the home addresses of people who oppose their ideology.
Conservatives have bombed clinics and killed doctors. Dragged people behind cars until their bodies fell apart - just because they are different from them. Your hero, Coulter, said she wants supreme court judges dead.

No it's not a stretch to believe a rightwing nut attacked Rhandi.

Anonymous said...

Jon Elliott is an idiot. I'm sorry to hear that this lady was attacked but to make incendiary claims that it was the work of a right-wing hate machine is ridiculous sensationalism with a clear agenda. He ought to be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Rancid Rhodeapples gets her green chicklets slapped out of pie hole? There is a God in Heaven

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of cowardly, sick people there are out there. I'm glad that think with my brain instead of my spleen. I'm glad that I'm not a willing servant to those who would destroy my way of life for pennies on the dollar. I'm glad I don't have to carry the baggage of hating people I've never met. I'm glad I can disagree with people without feeling the need to mutilate or kill them. I think you are a collective tragedy, but I don't feel sorry for you. The hell you live in is your immediate and just reward.

Anonymous said...

Ronald Reagan said "Todays conservative was yesterdays liberal who was mugged last night". Time for her to claim her 2nd amendment rights if she's going to live among violent street criminals.

Anonymous said...

I hope the 'mug-her' gets the sympathetic therapy he needs so he doesn't do this again. poor person.

Anonymous said...

First Wellstone bought the farm with a Bush death ray from the sky...now they got made Rhodes into a Jack-o-Lantern for Halloween...Rove is listening to my thoughts...time to thicken my tinfoil hat

Anonymous said...

Karma's a bitch ain't it.

Anonymous said...

Baghdad Betty can be distinguished from Tokyo Rose for one very salient reason. Baghdad Betty does not broadcast from Iraq --she broadcasts from New York City.

World War II gave us Tokyo Rose, the Japanese radio broadcaster whose job it was to demoralize American troops. Seoul City Sue did the same thing for the North Korean communists during the Korean War. Hanoi Hanna was the Vietnamese communist version.

Today we have Baghdad Betty. However, Baghdad Betty can be distinguished from the aforementioned for one very salient reason. Baghdad Betty does not broadcast from Iraq -- she broadcasts from New York.

Baghdad Betty aka Randi Rhodes is one of Air America’s premier talk show hosts. Actually, Randi Rhodes is a nome de microphone. According to a recent Ann Coulter column, her real name is a secret.

Read more on this anti American radio host http://www.intellectualconservative.com/article4185.html

BTW Randi “Baghdad Betty” Rhodes real name is Randi Buten :)) :)) :))


Anonymous said...

Seriously all kidding aside she looks a man w/ a bad wig on. Liberal drag queen maybe? How's the dog?

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I hope the dog is OK.

And if they catch the perp, I hope they take care not to damage his self esteem...

Anonymous said...

I was once banned from her comment board after two posts. Neither of which contained any inflammatory words. I was informed that they "don't allow sock puppets". And these clowns whine about someone being "silenced"...hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Poor Ms. Rhodes. I hope she feels better soon. If the mugger turns out to be a conservative, what does that mean anyway? Did he/she know who Rhodes was? Is the conservative a serial mugger? Does he/she have a criminal background? Does he/she tap his/her foot in the bathroom stalls at airports? Does he/she have any record of hunting accidents? What other conspiratorial claptrap can you liberal nimrods cook up to try to discredit people of truth? That's right conservatives are, by and large, people of truth. Liberals, on the other hand, love to jump to conclusions (witness Duke lacrosse fiasco), lie (witness "Bush lied, people died"; Haditha, Abu Ghraib and Gitmo "torture", etc.) and generally try to shut down any conservative opinion (witness the re-birth of the "Fairness Doctrine", attacking conservative speakers on campus and speaking louder when I try to give my opinion so they don't have to be educated as to the facts). Liberals are dangerous people.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of cowardly, sick people there are out there. I'm glad that think with my brain instead of my spleen. I'm glad that I'm not a willing servant to those who would destroy my way of life for pennies on the dollar. I'm glad I don't have to carry the baggage of hating people I've never met. I'm glad I can disagree with people without feeling the need to mutilate or kill them. I think you are a collective tragedy, but I don't feel sorry for you. The hell you live in is your immediate and just reward.

hey, is Randi out of the hospital already!

Anonymous said...

I see --- Drudge posted this and all the rightwing nutjobs immediately rushed to the scene to mug the woman yet again. I'm surprised their keyboards aren't too sticky to work.

Anonymous said...

someone got mugged in nyc? and blames it on a right winger? are there any right wingers in nyc? give me a break.

Anonymous said...

I think I heard her on the radio as I scanned looking for some fact-based reporting and editorializing. Listened a bit, too. Thought I had hit a parody or satire bit but when I found out it was Air America, I laughed the hardest. I could not beleive that ANYONE would actually beleive waht was being said!

Randi, thanks for the laughs and I hope you get better. By the way, I was mugged on East 78th once...I seem to recall it was a liberal hate crime, as I had money and the liberal did not. He hated me so much he knocked me down, kicked my ribs in and took my wallet.

Carried a gun ever since.

Sherlock's Brain said...

Sherlock Holmes' brain here: #1 thank God she is Ok but she should still get checked out by a doctor and dentist so will her friends please help her and not leave her side until she goes! #2 no rape so Duke is out; 3# still alive so OJ out; #4 has both ears; Tyson out; #5 Bill Clinton doesn't go for the ruff stuff - out;#6 no ritual beheading not wearing a shadour - US Military still on the job -Semper fi!; #7 not Senator Larry Craig by simple deduction; #8 no pit bull bites -Vick is out. Watson I tell you I'm stumped. I suppose will have to wait for evidence before we go and smear someone!

billclintoon said...

Let's face reality folks.....God word in strange ways.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another left wing commie is fed a knuckle sandwich.
I fail to see the problem with this.

Anonymous said...

Bush did it!

Anonymous said...

Even Rhodes's dog wouldn't protect her.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the justice brothers should be called in.

10% is definitely a minority.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why we haven't heard any first hand information from her or her family on the specifics of what the attacker looked like. Hmm.. Perhaps because she is a left wing nutjob who can't bring herself to say the words "a black guy robbed me." I mean.. anyone wanna take a bet?

Anonymous said...

I can't stand her BUT it's a shame when any person gets attacked.I smell no conspiracy, only a single woman in NYC, at night, walking her dog. There are plenty of muggings we never even hear about, it could have been some deranged person just out to rough up a defensless woman.

Anonymous said...

Well, since 90% of violent scumbags are liberal Dems, simple statistics stack up against the premise that this was a right wing hate crime...anyway, enjoy your delusions and try not to think about how things might have turned out if a right wing gun nut had been there to protect Randi.

Anonymous said...

I never heard of the woman. I find it hard to believe the right wing would feel threatened enough to attack the poor lady. I hope she gets better.

Uranass said...

Ok Being a far right winger I have to admit I almost fell for this. after I read this story I started humming "I Love New York". You are trying to raise the tourism numbers and since most libs smell and have no jobs You thought you would appeal to us. Nice try

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted that this happened and my heart goes out to her.

But I find it the height of ignorance and flippancy to suggest that it was somehow politically motivated--especially when there is no proof.

It is a shame that we live in a culture so politically charged that someone can make a claim like this and that we forget the victim and the crime in favor of political calculation.

Anonymous said...

The truth will come out. No police report, no hospital after having several teeth knocked out. Her ratings were in the trash can and this was merely a publicity stunt.

Anonymous said...

It's always a tragic situation when someone gets attacked and physically assaulted.....whether liberal/conservative. If this was your relative even if you didn't agree with thier political views you would do your best to try to help them. There is no need for conspiracy but rather an attempt to apprehend the perp who committed the crime and brought to justice.

Captain Tubular said...

I hope she makes a full recovery. And when she does that she finds a good ACLU lawyer for the attacker in true liberal fashion.

Anonymous said...

Randi Baghdad Betty Rhodes into a Jack-o-Lantern for Halloween...


Anonymous said...

I saw Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh walking near her place. Don't put two-and-two together,but ...........

Anonymous said...

New York? Mugged? That is News?

Anonymous said...

Liberals are such dopes, please give me the FACTS that this was a right-winger who mugged this broad. Liberals are so hateful and just love to demonize conversatives.

Anonymous said...

...was she really mugged or is this the result of rough sex with bill & hill ?
...born again peta boy , mike vick will care for her pup .

Anonymous said...

get a grip, I'm sure Rush was there helping Ronald Regan throw a beaten on some no name liberal airbag. Hope she is OK.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight, a crime happens in NYC and its the 'right-wing hate machine', yea not one of the criminals let out early by our liberal system I am sure.

Anonymous said...

Boy it sure sucks when what goes around comes around. Remenber God don't like ugly!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! Air Amerika is still on the air? Who put new batteries in their baby monitor?

face in the crowd said...

Poor Randi - at least we know it couldn't have been rape. As for sodomy, not with that mouth. BTW, how's the doggie, real shame about the doggie having to witness such cruel and inhuman behavior day after day -- maybe the attacker was an animal rights type hoping to free the poor beastie from the hostile Air America environment.

Anonymous said...

She probably deserved it, maybe she even asked for it, could not have happened to a nicer bitch When the 'purp' is in custody lets ask him whom he voted for (if he is legally allowed to vote)

Anonymous said...

All the wingnuts can now return to the Matt Fudge Report. Your depravity has been noticed.

Anonymous said...


you are an idiot.

If you look at your comment, you are the one that talked about revolution. The real question is are you threatening half the population of the USA?

The poster just pointed out to you that liberals are at a strategic disadvantage due to their anti gun policies.

Only an idiot would not be able to see this. However, this does not surprise any educated person. Everybody knows liberals all major in sociology and make 10 times less than conservatives in the private sector.

Laughing all the way to the bank.

backwords said...

No law-and-order conservative, like myself, cares whether the attacker was a right wing nut job or a left wing nut job. He needs to be caught and hammered.

By the same token, no principled liberal will sit by and allow Harry Reid and other liberals in congress to attack and try to silence conservative radio hosts.

Whether by fists or by edict, censorship is un-American.

Anonymous said...

Randy ????? You've been alive all these years??? I thought you died in that plane crash you cheeky bastard. Let's do an album.

Anonymous said...

It is a sign of schizophrenia to assume that everything that happens is the work of some evil unknown force. I really hope that the author of this article (and those who agree with his implications) see a doctor before something bad happens.
People get mugged. It sometimes occurs in New York. To immediately assume some shady underworld organization of conservatives is knocking out the teeth of talk show hosts is a serious, serious sign of mental illness.
Please get better; life cannot be happy when spent fearing unseen forces forever.

Anonymous said...

In addition to the Anonymous comment I just posted above ("I am disgusted this happened..."), I have to say that the right wingers here who are making jokes about this and implying that the suffering of another human being is a good thing are doing nothing to help the situation and are only calling attention to the idiocy and lunacy on both sides of the political spectrum. It's a shame to have to witness these comments.

Anonymous said...

It is a sad day when you hear of such an incident. I listen to Randi's show when I can, and must say if she were allowed to defend herself against such an attack, we might be reading of how another potential victim used a gun in self defense to thwart an attack.

I do understand that it is illegal to carry a firearm in NY and this is just another reason I will never visit that city.

I hope the dog is OK, and that a speedy recovery occur's.

Anonymous said...

A quick google exposed that as of Spring '06, Randi's listenership had dropped from 60,000 to less than 30,000.

Rush, on the other hand, has a listenership of 22-24 million.

Whew. Sure glad they got her out of the way. What a threat! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

BFrykman said...

I dont know who she is, but nobody should make light of an assualt on another human, and especially an assault on a member of the weaker sex.

My only wish would be that Randy had the right to defend herself; with deadly force if necessary.

One of the best things about being an armed potential victim is that it only requires enough strength to pull the trigger to eliminate the threat to one's own life.

If Randy did not espouse this view before, then I'm quite sure that she does now. I wish her a very speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

This is tragic. How could Randi get mugged? She was in her own neighborhood. She had the protection of the police and a multitude of liberal social policies designed to reduce the anger of the poor and stifle attacks by the politically challenged. This type of terror should not exist in modern day Amerika. We need more laws. We need more funding for social policies to placate the underclass and smother the radical right.
If it wasn't a lunatic right winger that did this, then it had to be one of the evil hateful rich.
Sure hope the dog is OK.

Anonymous said...

Right wing attack ... This is why nobody takes Randi Rhoades, Air America or liberal democrats seriously. It's also disrespectful to Rhodes to politicize her personal tragedy.
Frank Krewda
HAddon Heights, NJ

Anonymous said...

This is a sad story. Even the comments are sad. Folks seem to think that their political views are soooo important that they can't even put down their weapons for just one minute. I don't like Randi's show, but the news of her beating is sad regardless! What's really pathetic is that the heart of that same uncivil garbage is now on display here in the comments.

Anonymous said...

They should have gotten a little ass too! LOL!! What a crock!!

Anonymous said...

Does Stephanie Miller have a albi?

Anonymous said...

Until further evidence comes out, I'm going to assume it was a random, non-political attack on Randi. My thoughts and prayers go out to Randi for a speedy recovery.

As for some of the utterly disgusting comments from consevatives on this board, let me just say this:

Your radio hero is a drug addict. Most likely--given the known addictive tendencies of oxycotin--he is still a drug addict (I doubt one month in rehab was sufficient to cure all of his ills.) It is not out of the realm of possibility your radio hero has been under the influence while on the air numerous times. He will tell you what he thinks, tells you not to dare look up the truth from anyone else but him, and then laughs all the way to the bank knowing he has made one more sucker that day.

Your literary hero is a nasty, anorexic harpy who simply says the most outrageous of things to get herself attention and on the news. She is not speaking truth to power--she serves no good reason other than to shock the public with her ugly, bigoted statements, all in the hopes it will sell one more book.

You can say all the hateful things you want about Ms. Rhodes, but it will not change the fact that when you got to sleep every night, your emperors have no clothes. They are hucksters with the most serious of personality disorders, and they use you, and you let yourselves be used by them. Sleep well.

Anonymous said...

God, this is very poor journalism. Firstly, when a person 'asks' something, that typically involves a question mark. While these are the errors that caused me to comment, they are not alone - you really need an editor.

Lawrence said...

I'm sorry that she got mugged, but to assume it was a "Right Winger" is to become as paranoid as Randi. It's as illogical and non-intellectual as many of her anti-Bush arguments or Al Gore's inconvienent half-truths.

Conservatives don't need to silence liberals. They're happy to let liberals make fools of themselves and watch in amusment as their radio shows fall upon deaf ears.

I hope she recovers -- I also can't wait for Al Franken to make a even bigger fool of himself this upcoming election season.

Anonymous said...

This story cannot be true. Air America went off the air years ago!

Anonymous said...

it must be Karl Rove and his Blackwater thugs -- or maybe the same vast right wing consiparcy that put bill clinton's penis in Monica's mouth?

Unknown said...

Too bad for the mugger. He would have gotten some nice cash if he had, at least, selected a "sane" victim" with a secure job. "AIR" is forever one step from dissolving.

Anonymous said...

This is how violent criminals express love. And the mugger was just returning the love that leftists have for all violent criminals. Rhodes gladly received what she desperately desires.

Anonymous said...

Morons to the Left and the Right here.

Hope she is ok, and the dog too.

Before we cast blame one way or the other maybe we should get all the facts first? Seems to me that it is more likely a ramdom crime.

Anonymous said...

Great article. I never knew that only liberal talk show hosts are victims of crimes, so I reread the article and sure enough, not a single libertarian or conservative was mentioned as a crime victim.

- Libertarian listener and contributor to KPFT

Anonymous said...

"This is not the first politically motivated attack on KPFT."
What is your basis for this statement? Take off the tin foil and put away your “Jump to Conclusions Mat” until the facts of the case are out. Conservatives have better things to do than mug little-known liberal talk radio hosts.

“Also, according to a blogger on Democratic Underground, Thom Hartmann said on his Friday show that his auto repairman, after replacing his windshield, pointed out to him that he had three bullet holes in his car.”

Since the “damage” (hearsay at best) was cause by a gun, the unknown gunman was a conservative? Wow. You people really are paranoid kooks.

Apparently, some right-wing critics of lib talk aren’t happy that conservative talk only accounts for 90% of the programming on talk radio. These whack jobs appear determined to whatever it takes to silence the opposing point of view.

I think reality is closer to 95% but who’s counting. ;) As long as we have a free market for our ideas, conservative will never be or feel threatened by liberal talk radio.

Anonymous said...

It seems that Bush and Giuliani thought this up. In all due honesty who cares -- the good news is -- is that the dog was not harmed! However, can a liberal brainwash a dog? Because then I would feel bad for the dog.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is the editor of this article. Someone fire him/her. There are so many mistakes that it is hard to take the idiocy of the left seriously.

Anonymous said...

Sad, hope the dog's ok, maybe she will learn that old saying is true, "Mess with the BULL, get the horn"....

Anonymous said...

A liberal with her teef knocked out? Now she is a NASCAR beauty queen.

Anonymous said...

Instead of jumping to conservative conclusions, chances are about 40 million to one that she was either attacked by a member of a minority group, an illegal immigrant or a drug user. All groups by the way dependent on the liberal welfare state's "payouts for votes" so we can stay in power program. I guess the mugger didn't get the memo or his welfare check and/or NY Driver's license didn't arrive yet from Elliott Spitzer's office. Or better yet, it was Bush dressed up as a mugger in central park and committed the crime as part of the vast right wing conspiracy. PETA and the left wing trial lawyers should consider suing her for recklessly endangering the animal. I hope the dog is ok.

Anonymous said...

There is no need to pull Rhodes off the air, because she does more damage to the liberal cause. The crap that she spews on her show is so viscious and hateful. She promotes violence against the president, Christians, and other patriots; this attack is just karma.

Hope she returns soon.

Schoendog said...

Anonymous said...
Check your cars you REICHwing nutfucks.
We libs are EVERYEWHERE.
Check your kids too.
Check your mothers, we like to fuck them most.
Check your guns, HAHAHA, we don't need no stinkin guns, we will fuck you with it, if you came at us.
Check your morals too, because you fuckin tards, lost your morals in 1966.
Check your sins, because you incapable of empathy screwballs will eventually meet "your maker" and you will have lots of splainin to do.

Pussy assed bunch of rednecks cretins. Lets get it on mofos

What a freakin coward to post the above under the anonymous cloak! Come near my family and I'll blow your worthless head off!

Anonymous said...

Anyone that can listen to Randi Rhodes for more than 15 minutes at a time has a serious mental disorder. Its hate, hate and more hate.

Anonymous said...

Didn't realize Air America was still on the air!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a huge fan but I hope whoever did this gets caught and gets a good beating.

Anonymous said...

I'm a conservative, and was stunned that the writer blamed the right-wing folks for this serious crime. Having read some of the comments here, though, I'm more saddened by the cruelty of the commenters who would wish Ms. Rhodes, her dog, or any liberal any harm. Why give additional fodder for Mr. Eliot?
I am very sorry for Randi and wish her a speedy recovery. That should be the natural reaction from everyone, whatever "side of the aisle" they're on. Prayers, Randi, take care.

Anonymous said...

A woman was just beaten. Please prayer for her recovery.

Anonymous said...


If you go to any demonstration in DC, where true conservatives are there to defend the troops and the nation. Yes there are marching orders!

And here is some, Don't touch anyone, keep yourself under control, don't break the law and stay within the bounds of the permit.

We make civil behavior a rule and no one who is not willing to follow them is disallowed from participating.

THe left can't win with the truth, so they must lie, so I understand, why you feel the need to say such things. Perhaps you are honestly deluded, in which case I apologize. This is no less than Stalinism.

We leave the area cleaner than it was when we got there. We make a point of it. The lefties leave their garbage everywhere.

Unknown said...

Wow, no facts or statement by the police as to what really happened. But why let facts get in the way of starting to point blame?

I will argue that the attacker was not a right wing extremist, but rather a former original investor in AAR who wants their money back. I have as many facts to go on as you do.

NYC has all sorts of people, from all walks and persuasions. A hit piece, possible, but equally possible is the guy (or gal) was straight nuts. Inflammatory remarks against one group only marginalize this blog posting.

JG said...

Too many anonymous posts here from conservative freaks.
See ya in 2008. We'll fight you losers at the polls. This comment thread is all the proof we need.

Anonymous said...

Yes - blame the Right with absolutely no proof whatsoever.
Typical liberal ethics at work once again.

Anonymous said...

[sarcasm]If only the poor mugger had been better taken care of by society and given the means in which to purchase his needed drugs legally, this would have never happened. On top of that, mugging, assault, and using guns in crime should be illegal. If we had laws against these sorts of things we would all be safer. We should also have laws preventing criminals from owning guns as well. [/sarcasm]

My bet is she will still rail against guns and gun ownership....but hire armed security.

Anonymous said...

Look, I'm a diehard conservative and unlike what the majority of Liberal activists will tell you, I take no pleasure in someone getting hurt. We don't have some big master-plan to take over the country and there is no sinister plot to remove liberals from positions of power, other than elections as mandated by the constitution.

In this country, people have the right to disagree and I do disagree with most of the nonsense that comes out of this woman's mouth. But I certainly don't wish her ill will and I don't think she deserved to get hurt.

Air America is a joke, in my opinion... well, in the opinion of most Americans it seems. That's why the ratings are so low and more and more people tune out each day.

Instead of pointing fingers at people like me in the Conservative party, perhaps you should look for the reasons within. The fact that a woman gets mugged and you immediatly blame a "right-wing" conspiracy, shows just how out of touch you all are with America.

Use a little common sense and you might be able to get some more listeners to tune in to your broadcasts. Even the majority of Democrats don't listen to your broadcasts, which should tell you something.

Regardless, I wish Randi Rhodes a speedy recovery. She may sound a bit ignorant on the air and either ill-informed or simply manipulative, but it's her right under our constitution to be that way.

Anonymous said...

465 comments and almost all of them hateful,.... towards the woman that was beaten-up by a stranger.

Anonymous said...

Yea, it's the "right wing conspiracy" all right. AAR steals $ from charitable groups, goes bankrupt, can't make it in the REAL world of talk radio (the one that requires profits to survive, not handouts).
Another crying jag by the little boys who can't play in the big sandbox.
I hope Randi recovers quickly and is back on the air. No one deserves to be beaten up in a random attack, which is what this is.

Anonymous said...

This is why I wont go to New York City. Not becuase people get mugged each and everyday, but becuase I am not allowed to carry my conceled weapon (permitted in my state) and cant defend my very life against a mugger.

Anonymous said...

It was probably a nonviolent holdup until she opened her mouth.

Anonymous said...

Being the victim of a violent crime is not a laughing matter nor should it be cheap political fodder, that is disgusting. I have never listened to this person and probably never will but I wish her well. I am a proud conservative and I have no problem posting my name, why would I?

Anonymous said...

Hello, is this the place to complain about the service I received at Wal-Mart?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a hit squad from the Boys and Girls Club.
They wanted their money back!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Ms. Rose is home right now, trying to figure out how Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney or Sean Hannity was able to line up a crack-addicted, black welfare recipient just released from prison to attack (and perhaps attempt to rape) her. It's a real head-scratcher, but it MUST be the fault of the right wing, right? What other reason could there POSSIBLY be for the attack? At any rate, Ms. Rose is probably also hunting for an ACLU lawyer and a therapist for her attacker, so that he can be treated with the utmost tolerance and understanding in the aftermath of this incident.

I'll bet Ms. Rose wishes that she'd had a concealed weapon on her that night, huh?

Anonymous said...

if she had been carrying a concealed weapon, she could have protected herself

MarkinDenver said...

Air America needs to open a dialog with the anonymous hate muggers of New York and settle their differences fairly and diplomaticly.

Anonymous said...

First time I have ever heard of an AAR radio host. I hope this boosts ratings. Maybe we should stage other events.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute - who is Randy Roads ? Is the dog OK ? Was she actually robbed of anything ? Why doesn't the story point this out ? Are they trying to manipulate us into thinking that this incident was politically motivated ? Why would they want to do that ? What if they are wrong - will they apologize with a headline, as well ?

Anonymous said...

hrmmm jogging suit, no jewelry, no purse and she'd violently beaten to the point of losing teeth. Not a standard mugging at all. yes, it's possible that it was some deranged street person, but it's also quite possible that it's some fascist right winger egged on by the malkins and limbaughs and coulters of the world. Sad for Randi, and I hope she a. recovers soon and b. gets a bigger dog.

I only hope rush gets the same treatment walking out of some fancy restaurant, all fat and gassy and lubed up on downers and gin and the invincibility of his own self-importance. And I hope it's one of the recently returned vets from Iraq he likes to call phony soldiers.

Unknown said...

After just seeing the biggest piece of crap movie "Knocked Up", and then reading these posts, I'm very concerned.
Do people not grow up any more?

As for myself, I have rarely agreed with RR, but was sad to hear that she had been mugged. What an terrible experience that must have been for her.

I pray for her speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is a liberal plot to make conservatives look bad. This is as plausible as the "right wing hate machine" ( what is a hate machine?) attack. If liberal radio accounts for 90% of all talk radio why do the democrats fear Rush so much? Why do they keep trying to push the "fairness doctrine" to make sure thir point of view is heard? Get your facts straight

Scott Fitzgerald said...

All of you people should be ashamed. Don't get mad when people pigeon-hole you if you are on the right. The posts on this subject have shown your true colors. The facts are not in - how about wishing her well? I am left of center, but everytime the hate comes from either side, I want to be unaffiliated. Why don't we try and be Americans for once? Randi has a voice and says what she believes, that is her right. Same as Rush, same as Hannity - but you just have to post angry statements.
Asses, all of you!

Anonymous said...

Where was Ed Schulz at the time?

Anonymous said...

To Schoendog:

Try not to hate so much.

Anonymous said...

I hope she is all right - No one deserves this... However - they're blaming this on the right wing? Does anyone even know what Randi Rhodes looks like? Why would "the right wing" want to silence her? She is on Air America which is pretty close to being silent already! She probably looked like the perp's ex-girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that she got injured [if it even happened], but to assume that anyone but the 4 or 5 Air America listeners could even recognize her on the street is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I would have blamed it on Al Franken except he have been man-handled by Randi.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon, and God Bless You!!!!

Anonymous said...

If she doesn’t want to carry a weapon, she might have been safer if she’d rescued a dog from Michael Vick.

Anonymous said...

Poor little liberals... I wonder if all of you would have as much sympathy if this happened to Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Scottymouth. I'm getting off this post. Too ugly and mean for me.

Anonymous said...

Oh too bad, she is against guns so there is no way she could have defended herself anyway...

Anonymous said...

As a Vietnam war protester and Liberal turned Conservative, I am appalled and saddened at the tone of this article. A paraphrase of the entire article could be "Liberal attacked by rabid conservative". Without a shred of proof other than your own hate, you are ready to indict the right.

This is why I am now conservative. The liberals are all talk about diversity, tolerance, freedom of speech, and the right to peaceably congregate.

It all goes out the window when someone doesn't agree with you, then you accuse, twist and smear to make the perception fit your belief system. I was a liberal at one time for the loftier ideals. Reality is that you peddle intolerance and hate of all who do not fit your vision of the world. Truth is that the all of the conservatives I know are far more tolerant than any of the liberals.

I wish a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

The editorial stated that she had no visiable jewelery or purse at the time of the mugging. Something had to have been stolen for it to be called a mugging, otherwise it would have been reported as an assault. I'll bet she was wearing a nice shiny ipod on her arm while she was jogging. Not to mention a white woman jogging with a small dog just looks like she has something that can be stolen. The editorial also didn't say which part of Manhatten she was jogging at. There are still a few scary spots there, even though most of it is cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

Scottymouth, we're not angry, we're making fun of you. You are sooooo cute when you get a mad on.

Anonymous said...

If rightwing assholes could fly, this blog would be an airport!

Anonymous said...

Randi Baghdad Betty Rhodes is now Jack-o-Lantern for Halloween...
I hope the dog is ok

Anonymous said...

What ??? she has no arms???how sad..

Unknown said...

I bet it is the same right wink kook that beat up dan rather.....or wait…wasn’t that later found out to be some left wing dominatrix that he wouldn’t pay because he thought she overcharged him??

wolf said...

I'm sorry to hear she got mugged. hopefully she'll have a full recovery. But, it was bound to happen. Even liberals are subject to street crime and acts of violence. Oh well, I'm sure she understands her attacker probably had a bad childhood, and was inappropriately displacing his anger. It's not his fault. At least that's what liberals have been saying for the last 40 years. She might want to reconsider her position on gun control, though.

Anonymous said...

Ok folks enough already. I know the libs brought some of this on themselves with their 'right wing' crap, but the woman got her teeth knocked out for Christ sake. Show a little compassion. Liberal or not, she is somebody's daughter. Rise above the liberal crap and wish the woman well. The libs are the kings of hate...Air America is a joke to conservatives not a threat.

Anonymous said...

How is the dog? I hope the dog wasn't harmed.

Anonymous said...

Well at least with her teeth out if should be easier to eat pussy now.

Anonymous said...

In light of this open and honest discussion.

I'd like to take this opportunity to come out of the closet.

I'm gay, Republican and Proud to be an American.

Mom and Dad - I love you both very much. Please dont disinherit me.

Thank you all for being so supportive.

Anonymous said...

Thom Hartmen's car was fired at, KPFT was fired at, and now Randi. You are upsetting them Randi, and hope you feel better. What amazes me is these Right Wing Crackpots keep saying "there is no conspiracy", or "it is brown people", yet their words are filled with much violence. well, one thing leads to another. Action always follows words. Even you Bush-Sniffers should realize that.

Anonymous said...

People, we have a American women who has been assaulted, who cares about politics here we need to be praying for her. Now is not the time for politics.

Lord Jesus give this women a fast recovery and give her the ability to see your healing power. AMEN

Anonymous said...

Maybe the mugger would have turned out to be a better person if the Boys and Girls club that aar robbed hadn't had to close it's doors?

Maybe the mugger belonged to that club and right in the middle of his/her "How to get along in society" class, they had to shut down and kick him/her out onto the streets.

MAYBE he/she is just doing a little fund raising to reopen the clubs?

Zilla3 said...

I hope Randi is okay. That is terrible thing to happen to anyone.

Incidences like this truly bring out what people are really like, especially the vicious little cowards posting their hate through an anonymous name.

A mugging that involves such a severe beating doesn't seem typical..otherwise they would have just taken her money, phone, stuff and run away. There does appear to be a motivation behind it.

As for the people that would take pleasure in rejoicing or making a joke about something like this, how unlucky the people who have to live, work and deal with your petty, ugly bitterness are everyday are. At least own your nastiness if you are going to post it.

Anonymous said...

Compassionate conservativism on parade. And of course the ever-popular festival of "anonymous" comments from brownshirts too afraid to place a name with their hate.

Wrong...my shirt is black and has a Harley Davidson Logo.

JG said...

"anonymous" (too much of a coward to even use an alias!)

"The poster just pointed out to you that liberals are at a strategic disadvantage due to their anti gun policies."

Obviously, threats are the only thing you can do.
I'm a progressive, we believe in a strong military and police. What we don't want is nuts like you with a gun.

"However, this does not surprise any educated person. Everybody knows liberals all major in sociology and make 10 times less than conservatives in the private sector."

Wrong again. We progressives are highly educated, and do rather well in that "private sector". The difference is we care about others and want to make their lives better, too.

Now go back to your trailer and try again, sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Good point, If it was Ann or Laura, the media wouldn't really care. Actually the only reason I clicked on the link from Drudge is that I was hoping it was Al Franken

Anonymous said...

I hope this isn't a publicity stunt like when Morton Downey paid some thugs to beat him and paint a swastika on his face.

Anonymous said...

She didn't look that bad! I guess if you were hard up you would try to mugg her or maybe even rape her. But why would you walk your dog at night without protection? Not too smart. Don't blame the right, blame yourself for being stupid.

Anonymous said...

Which Dog?

Nate said...

Wow, when I read the story I totally put my personal thoughts aside of what a despicable human being she is and genuinely felt sorry for her...Until I read what her co-horts believe this to be. What a sad, empty, soul-less lot you lefties are. Anyway, I can't believe I'm saying this but get well, I guess...

Anonymous said...

Richard B. Cheney did it with George W. Bush looking on(on orders)...It was in the N.Y. Times today. They hate The Amazing Randi and ..wait who is this again..?

ms. moonbat

Anonymous said...

How is the mugger? I hoe the mugger wasn't harmed.

Anonymous said...

Are there any right wing wackos in NYC?!!! Does Giuliani still live in NYC? Notice that the story does not describe attackers!!! I guess it’s not PC to do something like that – unless they fit the profile of a Right Wing Wacko? Which might read something like this: “Two clean cut white guys with white shirts carrying what might have been a bible attacked the poor defenseless (because NYC is not a “Right to carry” – don’t you like the sound of that “RIGHT to carry”) oppressed white woman. It is an obvious hate crime!”

Anonymous said...

Darn good thing that we don't have "universal" socialist healthcare. She'd be waiting in the ER for another month before being treated. Of course, Miss Rhodes is a hate filled, spiteful, unhinged, divorced from reality moonbat, but no one should have to go through an assault like that. Too bad that the political philosophy she espouses is largely responsible for the rampant criminality in places like NYC.

Anonymous said...

How did she lose teeth, with her head up her ass?

Anonymous said...

By seeing most of these comments are left by Reich wing nut jobs, you've proven your ignorance and all the crap that comes with you idiots that bring this country down or the state that it's already in. You're all afraid of change and are quick to grab your guns when you don't understand a F'in thing. You're all afraid and have to yell out threats and instill fear into people. Funny how the rest of the world doesn't see things that way and that's why we're the most hated country right now. You're incapable of independent thought. You only see things in black and white and you're what's preventing us from evolving like we're supposed to, so kill yourselves. It will take a while, but eventually your kind of thinking will be dead and our future kids will have a better world to live in than the one we have now. You fear what you don't know or understand and try to kill it. Are you a farmer or a hunter?
I could rant about this stuff all day. You're all a bunch of sheep that are willing to go down with the ship because you don't know any better. You're incapable of apologizing for you mistakes and can never take responsibility for them. Left thinking people see things before they happen because they can retain history and try to prevent bad things from happening again. This left thinker though would not hesitate to put a gun to your head if you came knocking on my door trying to push your ignorance onto me. Some of us are aggressive and are ready to start hitting the streets with a lead pipe looking for your dumb asses.

"Well I'm proud to be an American where at least I think I'm free, and I'll gladly thank all those soldiers who died so I can drive my SUV. I'll proudly stand up and murder anyone my government tells me to. And if you don't like who I kill, I might just murder you"

Bunch of fascist pricks!!

1. One to deny that the light bulb needs to be changed.
2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs to be changed.
3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb.
4. One to tell the nations of the world that they are either for changing the light bulb or for darkness.
5. One to give a billion dollar no-bid/cost-plus contract to Halliburton for the new light bulb.
6. One to arrange a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor, standing on a stepladder under thebanner: "Light Bulb Change Accomplished."
7. One administration insider to resign and write a book documenting in detail how Bush was literally in the dark.
8. One to viciously smear #7.
9. One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush has had a strong light bulb changing policy all along.
10. Finally, Joe Lieberman to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing the light bulb and screwing the country.

Anonymous said...

I think it fair to say that most conservatives leaving comments here feel sympathy for the victim.

However, we are outraged at the fact that this article would take such a terrible event and use it to insinuate that conservatives somehow perpetrated this crime.

In short, the left never seems to amaze us with their insenstivity as to the welfare of the victim. all they care about is finding some way, regardless of how silly they sound in doing it, to blame the right.

That's why there are so many seemingly insensitive remarks. Most are directed toward demonstrating the ridiculous nature of the article and do not actually attack the victim of the crime.

I think it safe to say that most reasonable people wish her all the best. I know I do.

Anonymous said...

I'm going straght out today and beat up my neighbor. The one with the bush sticker on her SUV.

Anonymous said...

Baghdad Betty can be distinguished from Tokyo Rose for one very salient reason. Baghdad Betty does not broadcast from Iraq --she broadcasts from New York City.

World War II gave us Tokyo Rose, the Japanese radio broadcaster whose job it was to demoralize American troops. Seoul City Sue did the same thing for the North Korean communists during the Korean War. Hanoi Hanna was the Vietnamese communist version.

Today we have Baghdad Betty. However, Baghdad Betty can be distinguished from the aforementioned for one very salient reason. Baghdad Betty does not broadcast from Iraq -- she broadcasts from New York.

Baghdad Betty aka Randi Rhodes is one of Air America’s premier talk show hosts. Actually, Randi Rhodes is a nome de microphone. According to a recent Ann Coulter column, her real name is a secret.

I first heard Rhodes about a year ago during a trip to Fort Lauderdale. After about twenty minutes of her repeating Bush and Nazi I realized she was incapable of an original thought so I changed the station.

I have not listened to Air America since I wrote about the network when it first began broadcasting. I felt it might be interesting to get their current perspective. So I tuned in recently to listen.

I began with the 10 AM show of Lizz Winsted and Rachel Maddow. I skipped the noontime Al Franken show and returned for Baghdad Betty/Randi Rhodes. What I heard was a rebroadcast of her show of several weeks earlier. Listening to Baghdad Betty’s dialogue with a caller named Dave and her subsequent monologue I learned:

“We (the United States) invaded an unarmed country (Iraq).”

“We (US) bombed the hell out of “unarmed country ( Iraq).”

“They (Iraq) had no air force”

“We (US military) are torturing the people we went to liberate (Iraqis).”

“They (the Iraqi people) waited a year for us to take care of them. We didn’t. Then they found out about us torturing people that is what created the insurgency.”

“Every single solitary military guy,” said there were not sufficient troops in Iraq.

Just imagine: all this disinformation was from just one show. One can only imagine what Baghdad Betty says on a regular basis. Her rant was pure propaganda. One only wonders if she is a dupe of the antiwar crowd or intentionally deceiving people.

Whichever it is none of what she said was true. For example:

If Iraq were an “unarmed country” as she said, then maybe she could explain how Lance Corporal Andrew Julian Aviles was killed when an Iraqi artillery round struck his amphibious assault vehicle on April 7, 2003.

If we did “bomb the hell out of an unarmed country” then she should explain the December 1998 CNN report stating, “Iraqi forces would shoot at warplanes patrolling the no-fly zones.”

If Iraq did not have an air force as Baghdad Betty says, then why did the December 2002 Daily Telegraph say, “An Iraqi warplane shot down an unmanned US surveillance drone yesterday, threatening to escalate the tension in the region as America builds up its forces for a possible war early next year. Why did a 2001 UPI story claim, “Since December 1998… [there are] more than 160 incidents of Iraqi aircraft violating the zones.”

Baghdad Betty claimed the Iraqi people waited for a year for us to do something to help them then, when we did not help them, and seeing the photographs from Abu Ghraib, the insurgency began. If this were true why is it that the November 13, 2004 New York Times reported, “nearly 18 months after the Iraq insurgency began in May 2003.” (italics mine) Why is it that the nonprofit think tank Jamestown Foundation wrote on June 17, 2004, “insurgency began in May 2003 with the outbreak of violence by the Sunni Arab population.”

According to Baghdad Betty, we are torturing the people we were liberating.

Does she think SSGT Joseph Darby was torturing prisoners? He was the person who told officials about the illegal conduct by guards at Abu Ghraib. What about all the other troops who investigated and prosecuted these abuses? Are they all guilty of torturing innocent Iraqis or Iraqi prisoners.

She also said that “every single solitary military person, “said more troops were needed. Yet, General Tommy Franks was quoted as saying July 7, 2003, “more troops not needed for Iraq.”

Baghdad Betty said we do not have any trouble murdering people in this country, while drawing the parallel to capital punishment here and the snuff films broadcast by the terrorists.

There is a report that she once advocated the assassination of President Bush during her broadcast.

Her biography says she was in the Air Force. If this is to be believed her insulting of the military is outrageous. Her biography also says she is a “smoky-voiced Brooklyn native” (This explains why I thought she was merely doing a bad imitation of Barbra Streisand).

She is completely without credibility. Randi “Baghdad Betty” Rhodes is to talk radio what “Tikrit” Teddy Rall, who said Pat Tillman was an idiot, is to newspaper cartoons.

They are fools.


Anonymous said...

It was probably that fake tough guy Sean Vanity or his pal Billy O'Lielly. Randy has been kicking the crap out of Rush Limpballs since her Florida radio days. Why would someone mug a woman without a purse or jewlery in a nice neighborhood. Think the neocons wouldn't do something like this? Why don't you Google Dr. David Kelly.

Anonymous said...

I walked through that area at night, every night, for about three years straight. Midtown as a whole is typically very safe. Not to say that this couldn't be a random mugging...but you should also not assume that it couldn't be a planned attack. That doesn't necessarily mean that anybody higher than a disturbed right-wing crackpot acting on his own could be responsible. You know, the ones who can't stand the fact that they may be totally wrong about the war, Bush, etc, and have to lash out like mindless idiots because they can't express themselves any other way.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Randi will voluntarily go to Canada for medical attention over this and show all us right wingers how wrong we are about the socialized medicine thing.

Anonymous said...

This left-wing socialist, communist diatribe is better than the Looney Tunes I used to watch as a kid.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so sad. Now the lefties want the righties to not be so rough with them. They don't like the idea of being held accountable for their words. The morons don't understand the difference between anger and mock. They sound rather childish to me. Every once in a while the adults from the right need to shove their childish faces in their own shit for words, and it's happening now. Probably won't stop until a retraction is issued.

Anonymous said...

Where was OJ?

Anonymous said...

If she had a gun, she could have protected herself.

Anonymous said...

For all you left wingers complaining about the tone here. Hayou ever listened to her? She is the most vitiolic venemous person to anyone who disgrees with her. She has said outrages things.

The fact that I am the humanist she wants us all to be makes me think the rotten apple was being trimmed by society she helped create.

I hope the innocent dog is ok.

Anonymous said...

That's a nice picture of Simon...what does Randy Rhodes look like?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who can say it was a right wing idiot at this point also knows where the Easter Bunny has hidden all the tooth fairy dollars afer that famous mugging!

Anonymous said...

Ah, randam acts of kindness . . .

Anonymous said...

Hey Schoendog, think you could speak or maintain a line of thought for more than 10 seconds without using the F-Bomb? I doubt it. Your brain (if you have one) would implode. By the way, regarding your threat to "blow off" the heads of cosnervatives, the only thing an ignorant scumbag like you knows about blowing anything, is when your gay father sodomized you in front of the ACLU offices.

Anonymous said...

Too bad she was not killed. One less enemy to the nation. I hope she does not recover and something happens worst to her and the rest of the liberal freaks in America.

Anonymous said...

Our Democrat Congress could pass a bill, to start a very expensive program, to help understand the NY mugger. After the muggers are given regular donations from the "Democrat" bill, (our tax dollars) the Democrat Party could count on their votes on election day. Go for it Randi. Use your ability to contact the people on you radio program. At this point you could get a lot of sympathy.

Sorry about your injuries.

Anonymous said...

Probably Dick Cheney and Halliburton's fault!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Black people are part of the right wing hate machine now?

Anonymous said...

I thought Air America was gone.

Anonymous said...

I feel pity for these leftist misanthropes who attack Lieberman. Lieberman represents the best of US politicians, and these morons are too stupid to even have a glimpse of this.
So ranting loser, go back to your sleeping bag on the floor in the basement of your mom's house.

Anonymous said...

Wow. It took all of 2 posts for someone to 'plant the seed of suspision'.

Probably a vast right wing conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing this is a Morton Downey, Jr. style stunt to boost ratings.


or it could just be some gangbanger thug who wanted her $250 IPOD.

Either way,I'm just glad the dog wasn't hurt.

Anonymous said...

its bush's fault!

Anonymous said...

This is so very tragic. Randi is truly an American hero. She always tells the truth, but in today's political climate, a minority are keeping the majority from hearing the truth. There is no mention of anyone being apprehended. Hopefully, the person or persons who did it will be caught and convicted to the fullest extent of the law.
Also, I hope her dog is okay. It is breathtaking, but not really surprising to read the hate filled comments posted by those who call themselves conservatives. They certainly aren't conserving their hate for anyone who doesn't agree with their twisted ideas.

Anonymous said...

Scooter Libby did it

Anonymous said...

It's time for her to trade-in her dog for one that can protect her from harm.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure this was a random attack on a dog. However, the attacker made the assumption the ugly one was the dog.

Anonymous said...

The ignorance displayed by so many posters is remarkable. Sure, all should wait for more facts, the probability is random violence. As for guns I listen to Randi Rhodes most days and I can,t recall her mentioning guns or the second amendment. Pro or Con. To assume that you know her position on this and then attack that is ignorant. ALSO: Randi Rhodes is an Air Force veteran, how many of you anonymous spewers served in uniform? Randi Rhodes regularly speaks with and reads posts from soldiers in Iraq. She gives them a forum in their own voices. How many right wing talkers let the soldiers speak?

Anonymous said...

Uh, Randi who again? I think I listened to this idiot once on a road trip to NY a couple of months ago. Her blathering is about as unintimidating to Conservatives as it gets. And Conservatives don't resort to violence. It's the Libs who who routinely ransack GOP political offices, and hire thugs to intimidate witnesses.

Anonymous said...

GO RIGHT WINGERS!! CONSERVATIVES ALL THE WAY!! HEY LIBERALS, CHEW ON THIS!! HAHAAHAHAHAHA I feel sorry for the dog, I mean, hey it has to live with a liberal! FRED08.COM

Anonymous said...

But in hindsight, I really don't care. I have never heard her on the radio (Probably because I am not in the 10 square miles that Air America hits). Just put this in the LOOONG list of crimes that happen in new york. I'm sure it was just some street punks.

Anonymous said...

I love how the idiot left thinks this is somehow linked to a right wing person trying to "silence" her. She is already silenced since no one listens to her!

ronnie said...

Try to silence liberal talk radio??!! They did that by opening their mouth. Randi took one for the team IMHO. I can see it now Randi still being examined by the doctor and some Air America exec. comes in and says " We'll say that the right wing attack machine and Rush Limbaugh did this that way we have one more case for the fairness doctrine" since they can't compete. One other point they recently took stalinist radio off here and replaced it with FOX sports....ahhhh sweet revenge......

Anonymous said...

As a member of the elitist white culture, she will have no other option than to accept her beatdown as a small contribution to the reparations being extracted regularly (although suspiciously underreported) from her blue-eyed devil people.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she'll develop a brain now and turn conservative.

Anonymous said...

I think it's very sad the dog had to see such an event. I hope the dog is okay.

Anonymous said...

at least she won't be lying through her teeth anymore...

Anonymous said...

I feel bad that Ozzy Osborne's guitarist got hurt. (I thought he was dead.) Randi, please recover and put out a new album. Hope the dog is okay. what's the frequency kenneth?

Bing Van Gorden said...

Judging by the anonymous and mean spirited comments by some of the posters here it's no wonder people jump to the conclusion that some right wing wack job did it. Shame on the lot of you. It speaks to your shallow character.

Anonymous said...

Didnt know Air America was still on the air. Listened to it once. Once was enough.

Anonymous said...

Hard left wingers are violent haters, just like the KKK. The comrades suggest that someone mugged blondy for political reasons because it is something that they would love to do to silence any of the conservative voices, if they were capable of pulling it off. These people have a mania. They use the drama and posturing of politics to distract themselves from an empty life. Nothing can get through to them.

Anonymous said...

these LIBS have no shame.... now they are using violence to get attention....

Anonymous said...

I don't think the right wing hate machine even knows who Randi Rhodes is. Let's face it, progressive talk radio has not exactly left its mark on the nation. Certainly no member of the right winge hate machine sees Air America as much of a threat. I suspect this is simply what it appears to be--a vicious, cowardly attack on a woman who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My sympathies and prayers are with Ms. Rhodes.

Anonymous said...

Typical Liberal conspiracy theories abound. The government took down the WTC, the CIA hired UBL, and now this idiotic woman who spouts such silliness on air get's mugged and somehow it's the Right Wing "hate machine". All I see here is the Left Wing intolerance & hate machine at work.

JJ Balzer said...

Reading through this thread of comments, we are getting a good look at "compassionate conservatism" in action.

Amazing how an incident like this brings out the worst in the right.

For the record: I'm a progressive, and if the same thing happened to Laura Ingraham (whom I happen to know) or Ann Coulter (whom I don't), I'd want to see it investigated as a hate crime. So would the vast majority of progressives .

Anonymous said...

Ouch! All the right wing psychotics are posting on here. Where did you all come from? FreeRepublic or Drudge Report? You losers are going to lose even more in 2008!!

Randi get better to kick more right wing butt! You got in here running scared!

Anonymous said...

I just saw on the news that they have a witness. The attacker drove away in a Hummer with a Kerry/Edwards 2004 sticker on their car. Also the dog was raped. So it must be a right wing Christian conspiracist, as we hate animals, women, jogging suits and the left. The sticker was apparently a shallow attempt to 'throw off' the heat, as what kind of moron would still have THAT on their car.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I hadn't even heard of this person before I saw this link on Drudge. Secondly, conservatives don't need to "silence" liberal radio...that will happen on it's own.
Thirdly, quit trying to stir up controversy just to get your name in print. Nobody cares about Airheads America!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
It was probably a nonviolent holdup until she opened her mouth."

I'd bet a weeks pay that you are right on the money!

She probably thought she was safe to spew in the liberal socialist mecca of NYC.

Anonymous said...

I'm just thankful she wasn't permitted to carry a concealed weapon in New Yawk City. Otherwise, she might have feared for her life and blown the scumbag away......and then where would her logic have been ???

Oh- that's right- she's a liberal. She doesn't need logic --- she CARES about you !!!!!

Anonymous said...

I understand that Dick Cheney was seen fleeing from the area...

Anonymous said...

This must be an act perpetrated by the right-wing hate machine...of course, a woman walking around alone at night in NYC could never get mugged otherwise right?
I especially like the comment "not suprisingly" the only talk show host killed (20 yrs ago) was a left wing type. Our fair and balanced media hard at work.

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